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I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. You might think I had an awful nightmare and I was trying to get over it. Well, if you really think so, you're wrong. I just woke up. It was like, you know, my brain decided that it was already 8 am and I was already late for my first day at Empire State University.

So, I laid in my bed, thinking about what to wear, how to make up some new friends, when I realized that it was actually 3 am. I could sleep for 5 damn hours more! Anyway, I think that we can't change our fate. What was predicted stays predicted for us.

I got up and walked down the lone gloomy corridor of my flat in the NY downtown. When I reached the bathroom door, I stopped for a minute, thinking over my decision to take a shower. Well, it was 3 am, I could sleep some more... No, I HAD to sleep some more, but I suddenly wished to wash my hair.

"Cassie, stop being so strange!" I said aloud, entering the bathroom.

After a few minutes of rinsing my sweaty body with fresh water I understood that it was a really good idea. My thoughts became clear and I finally made out what else I wanted. I wanted some coffee. So I went downstairs, turning all the lights on on my way. I was afraid of the darkness, yes!

I made some latte with my new coffee machine and went upstairs to my room again. I needed to wear something immediately, because my bathroom towel wasn't a very good warm-keeper. I put a big cup with coffee on my table and took a big sweater from my drawer.

When I finally settled in my bed with my laptop and coffee, I turned on another episode of 'The Originals'. Trying to imagine Hayley and Elijah together made me feel much happier, I didn't know why.

When the episode was over I opened 'Yahoo News' and found a very interesting article.


"It's been already one year since the daughter of the police captain Stacy died. We all will remember Gwen as a bright, smart, beautiful girl. She was a brilliant student, a loving daughter and sister.

We have to remind you, that miss Stacy died because of taking part in Spider-Man and Green Goblin's fight..."

I stopped reading and closed the page with the image of beautiful blonde, looking at me with her boyfriend. I looked at the clock to see that it was 5 am. Well, It was almost time to wake up. I turned the laptop off and laid back on the pillows with closed eyes.

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