Save Me Doctor

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Nicki's POV
January 19, 2009
Memorial Hospital

I sat at my desk bored as ever, especially since nothing ever interesting really happened on night shifts. I was the only nurse available on the floor at the moment and luckily all of our patients were asleep and well.

"Ms. Maraj do you mind doing rounds while I step out for a restroom break?" Dr. Knowles asked me. I smacked on my gum looking her up and down. She had on her doctor's uniform with her stethoscope draped around her neck.

"They're fine, everyone's sleeping." I said pointing at the monitors.

"That's not what I asked you to do, if you can't do your job when asked there really isn't any sense in you being here." Dr. Knowles said. I rolled my chair back with a sigh as I was on my way to go and do what she asked of me. She turned to walk off but stopped to tell me something else.

"Thank you. Oh, and can you replace the sheets in room 109? The patient discharged earlier today." She said.  

"Will that be all your highness?" I asked. She only looked at me and went about her business. I rolled my eyes and went to the storage closet looking for bed sheets and perhaps maybe disposable gloves.

Once I collected everything I sat them on my desk and grabbed my clipboard and pen. I went to the first name or person I was assigned to and began to check her monitor and vitals.

Once I had finished up with the patients, I went to room 109 as Dr. Knowles asked sliding the gloves on my small hands. I snatched the sheets off and balled them up, throwing them in the trash although they were actually just supposed to get washed. I flipped the bed over and disinfected it.

I grabbed the fresh set of sheets and slid in over the first corner and went down to do the bottom only for the top to pop off. I let out a frustrated sigh and before I could move there was a knock at the door. The door opened and Dr. Knowles appeared. I paused for a moment and went back to work before she could say anything else. She watched me struggle with the sheets and finally offered a helping hand when she saw I was getting annoyed and practically gave up.

"I never could do this myself either." She said. I stood up straight and looked at her.

"Then why the hell would you ask me to do it of you knew I would struggle?" I asked folding my arms.

"Cause I knew I would help out, ain't I here?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and reached for the blanket as she held onto one end and decided she wanted to make small talk.

"So, how's your night so far?" She asked. I looked up at her and broke out laughing.

"What's funny?" She asked.

"Um, you." I said removing the gloves. She took a step back from the bed.


"Ms. Maraj to you." I corrected her.

"Ms. Maraj, are you still holding on to what happened in the past?" She asked. I furrowed my eyebrows then gave a blank expression.

"Past? What past? I have no idea what you're talking about." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"So you're gonna act like what we had never happened? That we weren't feelin' each other two weeks ago? Why'd you stop?" She asked.

"Cause, the game we were playing was dangerous. If we got caught we could both lose our jobs." I said.

"No we wouldn't-

"Beyonce your husband is the fuckin boss around here! What he say goes! I'm not about to risk my job and career over you." I mumbled towards the end.

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