The Technician

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Onika's POV
February 14, 2018

I sat on the couch as I watched her work on the thermostat. It had been so hot in my house for days and I finally decided to call up a technician.

"Wait, you're doing it wrong." I said getting up. I knew from the moment I opened my door and seen her I should have laughed in her face citing "good one" and waited for a real technician to show up. She's a woman. What does she know about air conditioning?

"What are you talking about? I know what I'm doin ma'." The woman spoke. I rolled my eyes.

"If you knew what you were doing then you know that the thermostat isn't the problem, I keep telling everyone it's the damn unit. It's leaking freon." I said.

"Can you go sit back down and continue to look pretty like you were doing before? You're distracting me." She said rudely. I rolled my eyes going to take a seat as I continued to watch her. She couldn't possibly know what she was doing.

Minutes later I got thirsty and decided to get a water bottle.

"Can I get one? It's pretty hot up here." The woman asked coming down from the attic. I scuffed.

"No, you should have brought your on. And what's taking you so long? I thought you said you knew what you were doing?!" I yelled from the kitchen. 

"I do. I'm just waiting on one of my employees to bring me some freon." She said.

"Told you." I said.

"You must get on your boyfriend's nerves." She mumbled but I caught every word.

"Excuse me?" I asked. She chuckled waving me off going back up into the attic.

As the hours went by it continued to get hotter, making me result to nothing but a big shirt until this woman fixed my air conditioning. 

"I didn't know it takes someone 3 hours to place freon in a unit." I said. She came down from the attic and went back to my thermostat.

"Would you shut up?" She asked annoyed. I giggled at her impatience as she tried to fix what she thought was wrong.

"Why don't you go and send someone who knows what they're doing because it's obvious you don't know." I said biting into an apple. She side eyed me and continued pressing buttons until a sound I have t heard in a long time rumbled throughout my house, my air conditioning was finally working. She actually did it.  She slammed the thermostat shut and looked at me.

"You were saying?" She asked picking up her tool bag. I rolled my eyes.

"It took you 4 hours to finish, I'm calling your boss." I said.

"I am my boss baby." She smirked and pointed to her shirt then name tag.

"Yonce's all in One, my name is Beyonce." She said. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'll call corporate." I shot at her. She sat her tools down.

"Pay me so I can leave yo annoying, ungrateful ass alone." She said.

"How much do I owe you?" I asked. She grabbed her tablet and phone and started doing calculations.

"647 dollars." She said. I nodded.

"Ok, you have to wait for my husband to get home. I don't have that type of money sitting around. Goodbye."  I smiled pushing her towards the door.

"Hell nah, ion know what the fuck you thought this was but Ian leaving without my money." She said. I nodded.

"Suit your self." I said and turned the tv on.

"Ok, then until he gets here I'm turning the air off." She said walking to the thermostat.

"Um no the hell you not. Don't touch my shit. You're clocked out as far as I'm concerned." I said.

"I'll touch what the fuck I wanna touch." She said turning the air off. I stomped over to her flipping it back on only for her to turn it back off.

"Ms. Maraj, stop acting like a child and go sit down." She said turning it off. I pushed her away and she grabbed me pushing me up against the wall, pinning my hands together above my head. It caused my shirt to rise and I'm pretty sure if she looked down she'd have a pretty good view of my pussy. 

"Keep your hands to yourself. I don't know you and I will gladly knock your ass out if you touch me again, got it?" She questioned. I ignored her and tugged my hands away, well tried to tug them away as she successfully gripped them tighter.

"Let me go. This is sexual harassment!" I yelled at her.

"No this is." She smirked and guided her free hand to my breast and gave them a gentle squeeze. I moaned at the contact and pouted when her touch went away.

"Was that a moan?" She questioned.

"Don't touch me and get off of me!" I yelled. She only furrowed her eyebrows.

"No, I think Ima gonna get rid of this nasty ass attitude you got. Is your boyfriend not fuckin' right?" She asked.

"Husband and that's non of your business." I said.

"You didn't say no." She said.

"And I sure as hell ain't say yes." I spat back, purposely spitting in her face at the end. She jumped back some and smirked wiping her face off.

"Give me my damn money." She said.

"You get it when my husband comes home, until then your dismissed." I said waving her off. She nodded and I smiled.


"Ahhh fuck daddy! Yes!!!" I yelled as Beyonce had me on my back riding the shit out of pussy as I moaned uncontrollably.

"Mhmmm. You like this shit don't you?" She asked slapping my ass. She pushed me down and got into the scissor position causing me to spread my legs and shoved her fingers in.

"Yes daddy ughhh, you're so deep, don't stop." I moaned as she placed soft kisses on the back of my shoulder.

"How deep am I in your pussy baby?" She asked. I moaned matching her thrust as she fingered me from behind.

"Ahhhhh, ssss you so deeppppp fuck, I have to cum." I moaned.

"You don't have to, you want to." She said moving her fingers in me in a circular motion making sure to hit my spot ever time.

"Fuck I'm about to cum!" She raised up pulling me half way up with her as I threw my ass back and squirted all over her pussy.

Beyonce's POV

"Onika what the fuck is gong on?!!!" In walks this buff looking guy as Nicki completely ignored him and pushes me down on the bed.

"Let me ride you, daddy." She smirked.

There will be a part two. I think.

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