Why the fuck not?

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Debbie and Zach were talking all about their lives and she was intrigued by him, he was different, "You're so fancy schmancy"

"We can have fancy schmancy babies" Deal, Debbie thought, we would have some cute ass kids because he is one cute ass kid. So many things were going through her head, like was he really interested in her? Or did he just want what every other guy wanted and he was just buttering her up first? Oh gosh, she thought, he was going to leave like everyone else did. Debbie had a history of people lying to her and just wanting her so they had someone to fuck but once she told everyone that she was a virgin, they all left; no matter how much they "cared about her". She had distanced herself ever since that started happening more frequently because she fell too fast for guys who left too fast. She was worried that he wouldn't like her in person so she decided to ask him, "What if you don't like me when we meet in person?"

He took a while to respond, typical Debbie thought, but then he finally answered and she felt her heart warm up.

"I don't like anyone, but you're not just anyone"

Even though she was freaking out that he wouldn't like her in person, a week or so later, Debbie decided to visit Zach at work because he suggested the idea earlier that morning and she said to herself, "Why the fuck not?" When she got to his work with her two sisters, he was so much better in person than she could have ever imagined. His voice was exactly what she thought it would be like, which was perfect of course. Zach was taller than she imagined and his smile, she couldn't get over his smile, it was like he wasn't real. She got butterflies every time that he looked at her (but Debbie is a very awkward gal so she only looked at him maybe two or three times all together). Debbie was worried. Worried that he wouldn't like her, worried that he would realize how much bigger she was, worried that she looked terrible, worried that he would find one of her sisters cuter than her. But then he smiled at her and all of that vanished away.

Once she got home, she messaged him and thanked him for being patient with her awkwardness and all of the dumb stuff that she said while she was there. He responded a while after and said that it was really good to see her in person. "It was so good to see you too sunshine" she typed, but never sent it; she was too scared. She told her grandma all about Zach and how she thinks this could be really good for her, she had to lie about where she met him and all but, really, what does that matter? Tinder is for love, right?

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