v || Prescott Family Values

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Dak's point of view

"Daddy, where are we going?" My eleven year old son, Dakota asked. Yes his mother purposely named him 'Dakota', which is my middle name. I sighed as I texted my wife, telling her I was getting on a flight home. "Dallas." I told him. "Why?" He asked again. "Cause that's where Forrest, Storme, and Skye are." I grabbed his suitcase & walked downstairs. "Bye my baby, I'm gonna miss you." His mother cried, hugging him once she saw us pass by the living room. Now what my wife doesn't know is that I have a child outside of our marriage. We were going through a rough patch in our marriage at the time. I stepped out on her & never told her because I knew how she'd act, but Dakota wanted to meet his older brother & little sisters. I regret ever cheating on Y/n, but I don't regret my son.

"Is it gonna take a long time?" Dakota asked as we got on the jet. I sighed. I had no idea that this boy likes to ask a lot of questions. "Two hours lil man." I told him & he was quiet after that. One thing I've always to Dakota is that he had other sibling, but they didn't know about him, including my wife. He'd always ask why & I'd tell him. His mother and I agreed that we'd be bluntly honest with him, no matter how much it hurt. And the lil nigga got some thick skin from it. "What if she hates me?" He asked, referring to Y/n. "Then that's her problem, cause ain't no way she could keep you from seeing your brother or sisters." He kinda smiled.

"Baby I'm back!" I yelled walking in our house. I heard the girls running into the foyer. "DADDY!!!" They yelled, jumped on me. I laughed, picked them up. "Hey girls." Then they looked over at Dakota. "Who's that?" Skye asked. "He's looks like you and Forrest, daddy." Storme added. I just walked into the family room. "Hey bab—" Y/n started to said, until she saw Dakota. "Sup pops." Forrest said, not caring. "Rayne....who is this child?" Y/n asked as I put the girls down. I looked at him, he looked at her. "I-I'm Dakota." Y/n glared at me.

No one's point of view

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Y/n yelled at her husband. She looked over at his child, then left the room. "BABE!" He yelled after her. "I'd let her cool off pop." Forrest shrugged. "You know how she gets." Dakota looked up at his father. "She don't hate you Kota, she hates me." He walked off to find his wife. The kids stayed in the family room, looking at each other. "I'm Storme." "And I'm Skye." They said. "We're six!" They smiled. Dakota smiled back. "That's Forrest, he's going to be sixteen soon." He just nodded, still looking in his cellphone.

Rumors spread around social media & the tabloids that Dak Prescott has several legitimate children outside of his marriage. He denied that he'd ever cheat on Y/n & she let it go, because she trusted him. Then after having Dakota Rayne Garfield-Prescott, his mother harassed Y/n. Claiming that she had Dak's baby & that he didn't love her anymore. Saying that he was going to divorce Y/n & marry her so they could become a family. Y/n didn't know what to do so she did her best to ignore it, because she trusted him. She trusted that he wouldn't hurt her, that he wouldn't step out on her, that all the rumors were a lie.

"Y/n....?" Dak said as he walked into their bedroom. "Baby, lemme explain." She scuffed, turned towards him. "THERE'S NOTHING TO EXPLAIN RAYNE! YOU LIED TO ME!" She pushed him back. "YOU SAID THAT SHE WAS LYING! YOU DENIED SLEEPING WITH HER! YOU TOLD ME HE WASN'T YOURS!" Dak sighed. "Because at the time that's what I believed. But when you took Forrest to Disney World that year, she came by. She kept saying that he was my child and that I was going to take care of him or I'd be on Child Support. And I told her that I wanted a DNA test." He sighed again. "Yes baby I cheated and I'm sorry. We were going through a lot, you was angry and I was frustrated. I just needed to cool off. I got drunk. I thought you were the one I was talking too, the one I was making love too, the one I gave my seed too. I was wrong baby and I'm sorry, but he's my son. I can't keep hiding him. The more I look at him, the more I see my mother." She sighed.

Dak & his very pissed wife walked downstairs to the kids talking & watching TV, Forrest even put his phone away. Y/n is still very much upset that her husband cheated & had another woman child, but Dakota is her step-child. He's apart of her husband, apart of her late & beloved mother-in-law, apart of her children. "Are you hungry Dakota?" She asked, looking at the kids. "I am mommy!" The girls squeaked. He nodded. "Yes ma'am.." He said, barely above a whisper. She kinda smiled. "RJ?" He shook his head. "I'm good ma." Then Y/n walked into the kitchen. "What bout me!?" Dak called after her. "Ask you baby mama!" The kids laughed, including Dakota. "I wouldn't, her cooking is terrible." Dak just smiled, shaking his head. "Lemme go handle this girl right quick." He walked off. "GET HER POPS!" "GET AWAY FROM ME RAYNE!" Y/n laughed & squealed. The girls giggled.

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