Ch. 2 ~ The Guardian Dwarf

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Chapter 2

"Stop!" A voice ordered from the shadows of the thin tree. Molly stopped like the voice said.

"Hello?" She said. "Are you the guardian?"

The short person stepped from the shadows. He was extremely short and had a very serious face on and a long black beard that touched the ground. He looked old.

"A dwarf!" Molly exclaimed.

"Yes, it is I, a dwarf and the guardian of the gate to all exciting things in the world. My name is Berry," The guardian told Molly. "I have lived for a million years, and can see that you are lost. I shall give you two options."

"OK." Molly was very interested in the way the dwarf's bald head looked all shiny every time he took a step.

"Your first option is to go back down the tree, and return to your boring home. Or you can solve my riddle and be allowed to enter the magical world behind that tree," Jerry explained, pointing to the birch tree next to him.

A magical world? "A magical world?" Molly voiced her thoughts. "With unicorns and flying pigs?"


"And when you said this was the world to all exciting things, you meant there's lots of trees to climb, right?" Molly asked. Climbing trees was very exciting and fun.

"Yes. We have only the tallest and strongest trees to climb in this magical world," replied Berry.

"Alright, I wanna go," Molly declared, and went around the tree. Berry stopped her.

"Wait!" he said. "The riddle first. What was the Gobblecracker's favorite color?"

"Uh, purple?" It was Molly's favorite color, but she didn't know if the Gobblecracker liked it too.

"Correct!" Berry threw his hands up in the air. "Enter, child! Meet the pixies! Eat ice cream that never melts! Ride bubblegum balloons! Be exciting!"

"I will!" Molly waved to the dwarf, who she decided she liked. She stepped around the birch tree like he'd told her to. She couldn't see the dwarf anymore. Molly B. Smith then found herself floating in a gigantic bubble of colorless jelly.

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