Ch. 10 ~ The Educator

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Chapter 10

   “Yikes! What the heck do you think you’re doing?” demanded Charlie while the old lady flew with her higher into the sky. Her friends on the ground were getting smaller and smaller.

   “Charlie B. Dinkle,” said the old, flying lady with authority. “You are 9 years old, friends with the squiggles, and responsible for giving Munchopia its name today. You also have an obsession with unicorns.”

   “I wouldn’t call it an obsession,” muttered Charlie. “Hold it, how do you know all these things about me?” Charlie really hoped the lady wasn’t a stalker. She didn’t think there’d be any of those in Munchopia.

   “I’m The Educator, and I know everything about little kids in this magical land. I also know little children are supposed to be in school,” added The Educator.

   “GAH!” said Charlie, feeling very panicked. She desperately tried to wriggle out of the clutch of the lady, but those claws were strong. “Where are you taking me?” she cried.

   “As The Educator, I must make sure that all the children in Munchopia receive a proper education. Hence, I’m taking you to school, Charlie B. Dinkle,” replied the old lady. For the first time since coming to Munchopia, Charlie felt an extreme dislike towards someone. Someone old and had a pair of claws.

   “I dislike people who take me to school,” Charlie said boldly, feeling brave for standing up to this adult-bird. “Except my mom,” she added.

   “I don’t care much for you either,” snapped The Educator. “Exciting people let their excitement and fun get in the way of learning, and learning is important.”

   Charlie gasped. Was this weird lady implying she didn’t like excitement? Oh, how horrible!

   “Help, help me!” screamed Charlie. She wished a smiling, magic apple would pop up and help fly her away any moment now. But it didn’t.

   After The Educator flew over the clouds for a couple of miles, she headed towards an ancient-looking building on a flat hill. It looked like a prison.

   “Noooo.” Charlie B. Dinkle groaned in despair. This was obviously school. And school was boring. Charlie was supposed to have an exciting and fun time in Munchopia, not be bored to death in a school that looked like a prison.

   The Educator swooped down onto the flat roof of the building. The building was a dull, gray block of cement that had been hollowed out to trap little children inside its walls. On the roof there was a flight of stairs that led downstairs, inside the building.

   The Educator finally let go of Charlie and set her on the top of the roof. “Follow me,” said The Educator, and she went down the stairs.

   Charlie B. Dinkle followed, since she had nowhere else to go, and went down the stairs. Inside the building, it was much bigger than Charlie thought. They were in a school hallway, lined with a handful of doors on each side. The Educator pushed Charlie into one of the doors, which was pitch black.

   The Educator didn’t go inside with Charlie, instead closing the door behind Charlie and disappearing. But not before saying, “Welcome to Munchopia Elementary.”

   Charlie stood in pitch black, blind. “Hello?” she said. “Is anyone here? Where are the lights?”

   “Here, I’ll put them on,” another girl said. The lights came on, showing a bunch of kids standing together in a corner, huddled. Charlie B. Dinkle was in a classroom, with desks, chairs, a whiteboard and all.

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