Ch. 13 ~ Fairy Ninjas

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Chapter 13

The stadium for unicorns was circular, and big enough to fit 30,000 unicorns. And in this case, two more little girls.

Charlie felt lucky when she found a couple of empty seats in the middle. She and Leila saved them for Quentin and his friends, who quickly arrived with hotdogs, apple cider, and sushi.

"The classic meal to eat at a unicorn-baseball game," Quentin had said.

It was hard to see the game when it was night time. That's why big, white lights flashed from above, sourced from large bulbs, illuminating the entire stadium. With the lights on, the game had begun.

"Introducing the two teams," an invisible, glittery voice boomed for everyone to hear, "The Horns VS. The Unisox!"

This was a whole new exciting experience for Charlie B. Dinkle. She'd never been able to go to a baseball game with her father before, since he preferred sporting boring, quiet fishing instead. Now, being out with her friends at night watching this game, Charlie gained a happy memory she was unlikely to forget.

Charlie was fascinated by the way the unicorns played the sport of baseball. There were no bats for the unicorns to use. A famous unicorn player, Jazz, stepped up to swing. He hit his horn on the ground twice, warming up. The thrower, a stocky black unicorn, had the ball in his mouth. He swallowed the ball, gurgled a bit, and then spit it out with raw power. The ball whizzed across the field, but Jazz saw it coming.

Jazz held his horn back for a second and, when the ball came, hit it with all his might. The ball bounced off of Jazz's strong horn and flew till the opposite end of the stadium, disappearing into the distance.

Fireworks erupted. "AND IT'S A HOME RUN!" the invisible speaker bellowed. Everyone went crazy.

Charlie was so worked up, she stood up on her seat, pumping her fists in the air. "YEAH! Go Unisox!" The unicorns around her cheered.

Leila laughed. "Look, Charlie. We're on T.V!"

There was a big screen that stood on a tall pole in the middle of the stadium. And there Charlie was, jumping and throwing her fists in the air, for everyone to see on the screen. Leila was next to her. Charlie whooped at her screen self.

"Well, what do you know, ladies and gentlemen?" said the speaker, sounding amused. "Looks like we have two, little human fan girls!"

"HELLO!" said Charlie, still jumping. Her voice rose over everyone else's due to the speakers. "I'm Charlie B. Dinkle! Dinkle like SPRINKLE!"

"Charlie! Charlie!" The audience cheered some more. Someone picked her up and, before she knew what was happening, Charlie was drifting across a crowd wave, hooves carrying her skinny little body till she reached the bottom of the stadium. Jazz himself was standing there at the bottom, seemingly waiting. The crowd wave dropped her off, only so that Charlie was met by the one and only, Jazz.

"You won!" screamed Charlie. "The Unisox won!" She embraced the famous unicorn player.

Charlie let go. Leila soon came running down the steps of the stadium, breathless. "WOO-HOO!" she embraced Jazz, too.

Jazz chuckled, flashing his million-dollar winning smile. "Hey, kids. That was great fanning you two did. It's great to know I have such young fans. You two want me to sign anything?"

"Of course!" said Charlie. She turned around, raised her wild mass of curls, and pointed to the back of her neck. "Here, please."

"Me, too!" said Leila, doing the same. Jazz signed the nape of their necks with a magical ink from his horn. The ink sparkled.

"Jazz!" exclaimed a high-pitched voice. Azalea rushed down the steps, her glittery pink mane flying with the wind. "That was an amazing hit," she said, batting her eyelashes. Jazz grinned.

"Oh yeah," said Azalea, blinking, remembering Charlie and Leila were there. "Guys, this is my boyfriend, Jazz." Then she kissed him on the lips.

"Yuck," said Charlie and Leila, cringing away.

"Jazz!" called Herington. All of Quentin's friends and him were coming down to meet Jazz, apparently good friends with the baseball star. "That was..."

Herington couldn't finish what he was going to say next. He was interrupted by a bright explosion erupting at the top of the stadium, making a hole in the roof.

Long cord ropes were thrown into the stadium from the hole made by the explosion. The audience panicked, trying to get out of the now invaded stadium.

"We're being ATTACKED!" screamed a unicorn.

Tiny, little people dressed completely in black climbed down the ropes. Someone was playing intense rock music in the background, but Charlie couldn't tell who.

The little ninjas stopped climbing down halfway. They showed wings that were attached and hidden behind their back, and flapped them till each one was safely on the ground of the stadium.

"Uh, ninja fairies?" said Charlie, feeling unsure. By now, all the unicorns in the stadium had escaped, except for Quentin and his friends and Jazz and Leila and Charlie. Azalea scooted closer to Jazz.

One of the black-cladded fairies approached the group. He took off his black mask, revealing rosy cheeks and squinted, cute eyes. "Fairy ninjas," he corrected sternly. "Right, which one of you are Charlie B. Dinkle?"

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