Ch. 6 ~ Candy Clouds

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Chapter 6

   It is not easy to visit a cloud. You see, a cloud is made up of water. Even if you did manage to somehow reach the cloud, you would just go through it and fall down, getting wet on the way. However, this only happens with normal, boring clouds. Not candy clouds.

   Clouds in Charlie B. Dinkle's magical world were different. They were pink, not white, and made of cotton candy. If you stood on a candy cloud with your bare feet or shoes, you would sink into the sticky cotton and make a big mess of yourself.

   Charlie had asked:

   "How are the clouds made of cotton candy?"

   Squiggle B had replied:

   "Oh, that's an easy one. The deserts in the east are made of sugar instead of sand. So right, when strong winds come, there is a big twister? Or tornado? Yes, well, the sugar all goes up in the air with the wind and starts flying around, like a cotton candy machine whooshes the sugar inside a bowl. The sugar becomes so fluffy because of this, it becomes fluffier than normal cotton candy. Oh yes. This is not normal cotton candy; it's ten times lighter, that's why it flies up all the way into the sky, and floats there, as a 'candy cloud'."

   Charlie was impressed. She wished the deserts in her world had sugar instead of sand.

   On top of these lovely candy clouds were towns. Each town had had its own name: Clouds-Ville, Fluffington, CandyLane, and the list goes on. And each town had people living inside them. These people who could live on clouds were called Cloud people. The reason that Charlie B. Dinkle and the squiggles had to go to Cuddle Crunch Cloud specifically was because it was the capital of all the cloud kingdom. The king of the cloud people lived there, also. The king and his people, unlike normal people who lived on the ground, could easily walk on the fluffy candy clouds.

   Now, the trick to being on a candy cloud, Swaggy Swiggy had explained, was to be on top of it, not touching it.

   "But how is that possible?" Charlie had cried.

   All the striped squiggles had answered together:


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