Devided Plans Collide

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Read this it's crucial to understanding the story.

This chapter and maybe the one after it will be stationed before Anti and Dark died, so I will be giving them human names. (Demon names are of corse Dark and Anti.) Anti will be Andrew and Dark is Dustin. Because I'm so creative like that. (Not) Anyway, enjoy.

Andrews POV

"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!" I screamed, grabbing my gun and sprinting full speed away from the scene. I like to play with fire this way. Ask any other self respecting criminal they'll tell you, you get in, get the money, and get out. That's how you succeed.

But me? I think I might be suicidal. Because I play with my food like a cat and I taunt and torment my pray till the cops get here, I spit out a cliche line and book it. That's my favorite. You think I do this for the money? HAHAHAHAH! Nope. I do it for the thrill of death! That's the funny thing about it. The money is an asset, sure, but knowing that you could get shot down dead makes my skin crawl in a pleasant way. I've been shot before. Several times to be frank with you. But nothing has ever been to the point where I wouldn't do it again. I've never had an affinity for life.

But I've always loved the sweet sensation of dancing with death in a waltz of darkness. And that's not a euphemism for a coma.

So I'm now fleeing the scene with a bag of cash in my hand and the feeling is glorious. I can hear shots in the distance and the bullets as they nail the pavement mere inches from where I once was. I laugh and look back at them with amusement as they began to get smaller and smaller.

I hop a fence finally as they were out of sight.

I've escaped the cops before, it's not hard. You just have to know where they'll call for next and be careful of watching the streets. They corner you and search houses and whatnot. But there's a place they don't know of yet~

In the backyard of a trashy unused home there's a tunnel hidden from sight and smell. It leads out to the backyard of a house in the neighborhood across the street. Even if the dogs are able to track me to this point, the smell of rotting food will cut it out because of the trash bags littered in the yard.

The police have searched for this tunnel before, but nobody has been successful in finding it yet.

Unless your me~ and I'm me. And I know where the tunnel is.

I managed the entrance and the tunnel and got to the next neighborhood easily.

I could hear the sirens and I chuckle as I find a hidden area to remove my mask and hoodie. I change my shoes to my regular ones, the normal boots I wear are mostly to change my height, make me seem, like, five inches taller than I really am.

Super useful.

The hoodie is thick too, making me look bigger as well. If the cops ever saw me without my getup they would laugh at me.

As I hopped the fence to the outside world, my backpack with my clothing and money in it, I grinned and pretended to be a simple pedestrian walking by.

I got a look from an officer and I smiled and waved at him.

He smiles and waves back. Then he turns to the rode he's to be watching for me.

It's so nice. Feeling this way.

I hear a distant "FREEZE OR ILL OPEN FIRE!" And I look up thinking they caught onto my antics.

But they were chasing somebody else. And he was coming right at me. I stayed put, wanting to see what was going to happen.

And he ran right up and caught me in a headlock. I felt cold metal hit my scalp and press into it. "STAND BACK OR ILL TAKE HIS LIFE!" He said.

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