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They didn't see each other for three days after that. They came to the mutual decision that it might be best to spend some time apart, take some time to themselves. They didn't agree on a set period of time, but I can tell you now, it was only three days.

It was understandable. They were young and confused, unsure of their place in the world and how that would affect not only themselves, but the people around them. What consequences their actions might have and how this would ultimately change everything they once thought they knew.

Faith was beside herself. She became so accustomed to seeing Hope every day, that on their first day apart, she was sullen. It was one thing to not be talking to Hope, but this came right after her breakup with Sebastian. She was feeling guilty and responsible for his pain. She knew that she had hurt him and most likely broke his heart. She was mourning the loss of their love.

She didn't breakup with Sebastian for Hope. She broke up with Sebastian because it was the right thing to do. Even if she and Hope never saw each other again, Faith knew that she had made the right decision simply based on ethics. She was only doing what she believed was right.

On Wednesday, Mike took her to the next town over to buy film for her camera. Faith immersed herself in her art and tried to find an escape. From the remnants of the breakup with Sebastian, as well as to distract herself from any thoughts of Hope. It was difficult at first, not thinking about either of those things, but Faith delved into her creativity and soon enough found it difficult to think about anything but the art.

She drew what she saw. Nature, wildlife, the water. She sketched it all so that she could remember it, glancing up at the view in front of her, then returning her gaze to the page. When her hand got too sore, she switched to photography. She roamed around Meadow, keeping one eye through the viewfinder and watching out for the little things. The things that go unnoticed if you're not paying attention. She watched two squirrels chasing each other through someone's yard. She watched a couple sitting on a park bench, deep in conversation. A mother, pushing her baby in a stroller. Faith may not have photographed it all, or sketched it for that matter, but she had it imprinted in her mind. She would always remember.

"How are you feeling?" Claudia asked that night over dinner.
"I'm okay," Faith said, spooning the mashed potatoes onto her plate.
Claudia sat there for a moment, watching her daughter. Mike was already devouring the food on his plate.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Claudia asked, apprehensive.
"Can you pass the salt?" from Mike.
Claudia handed it to him, then turned to Faith. "Do you think you'll get back together?"
Claudia visibly winced. "Well," she cleared her throat. "Tom is taking me to the CNE next weekend. You two should come."
"I thought it didn't open until the last week of summer," Mike said, mouth full.
"Yes, honey, next weekend is the last weekend of summer."
Faith nearly choked on her food.
"Oh," Mike said, then took another forkful to his mouth. "Maybe. We'll see."
"And Faith, what about you?"
"I hate the EX."
"It will be fun. Perhaps you can bring Hope."
Faith stopped and looked at her mother, then continued mashing her potatoes with her fork. "Maybe," was all she said.

Before going to bed that night, Faith picked up a book that she had already read and started from the beginning. It didn't take long before her eyelids began getting heavy and she felt herself dozing off. Sleep had always been such a tease for Faith. She could feel it coming and she wanted it so badly. But sometimes, it just wouldn't come, and she'd find herself laying awake all night, wondering how on earth she was so unfortunate.

But that night, she closed the book, turned on her side, and within minutes, she was out, immersed in a deep sleep that would take possession of her until the sun came up.

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