A/N - Letter

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Dear Kang Daniel,

My name is Shia, and I'm your fan. I'm writing this to show you how grateful I am that you're born and exist in this world, and to show that there is still love in this world.

So please let me tell you this, Kang Daniel, I may not know you personally, but I personally think, and believe that you are a marvelous human being. You are a beautiful, kind, loving, and hardworking fella who bust your ass off to get to where you are right now. So I'm super proud of you, and you should be proud of yourself too.

The moment that I decided to be your fan, to be part of the peaches and wannables family, is one of the best decision I've ever made in my life. Why? Because since that day, no matter what happened to me, you always remind me to smile and be happy. You inspire me to become a better version of me each and every single time.

It's apparent to me how much you love your fans. So please give yourself some love too, will you? After all the love that you give to us, I think that you very much deserve to be loved too, by yourself and each and everyone who loves you. And hoho, rest assured about peaches' and wannables' love to you. We looooooove you, so much, I wish I could describe it, but I just can't. Because that's just how much we love you, indescribable.

How do I know? You don't need to know that Kang Daniel, that's our secret recipe 🤫 Hehe. I realized that peaches and wannables are one solid, loving, and amazing family. And I'm so proud and honored to be part of the family.

We're all here because of you Kang Daniel, because we love you. All the more reason to love yourself, right? So please do, go hug and kiss yourself, also pat yourself in the back, you deserve it.

So Kang Daniel, I don't really know how you feel right now, because I think that you're the type who'll just shove everything inside you, so that your love ones, including your fans won't be worried about you. But all I can say is, you've done a marvelous job 👍🏻. I'm so proud of you and I'm proud to be your fan. So rise and shine my dear. We'll always be with you, and we've got your back.

Dear fellow peaches and wannables,

Thank you so much for supporting Kang Daniel, through thick and thin. We always manage to strive on positivity with each other's support. Thank you, and I'm super proud of us. Let's continue to love and support Kang Daniel. I wish that he can feel our love and it will somewhat somehow make his day even better and brighter.

Dear you who read this,

You may not realize, but I know, for sure, that somewhat somehow you've inspired someone, and that person is grateful that they ever met or know you at least once in their life.

The way I get inspired by Kang Daniel who might be completely unaware of my existence, and peaches' support despite never meeting each other in person are already two examples of how people can inspire someone unknowingly.

And if I may give you another example. Yesterday when I was ready to crumble and fall because of some negativity, I suddenly remembered this one lady. She was really sad when I told her that I was leaving my previous job. She said that she always remembers to smile in the morning because of me, no matter how bad her morning was. Because I was always smiling when she came by to drop her kid in my class.

She might not even know this, but I'm so very grateful for that lady now. Because I haven't been able to smile as much for a while and she reminds me that I wanna be that person again.

The kind person who reminds other people that no matter how harsh this life can be, we can still always smile about it, because there's still a lot of love everywhere. That's the kind of person that I want and choose to be.

We all were originally a very pure and sinless soul. But during our journey, we get shaped and molded based on our own terms and circumstances, so that we become who we are, and do what we do.

We might not be as pure as what we were, but we are the best version of what we can be, for now. The kind of person that we need to be to survive so far. So we should be proud of ourselves too. We did great guys, we did great.

So when you encounter with someone, just remember that each and everyone of us is fighting our own battle. And as much as you're hurting right now, that person is probably feeling the same way too.

But remember, that will never justify what they do to you. If what they did was hurting you, it's still wrong. But I just wish that you'd be the bigger person and teach them about love and respect. Kill 'em with kindness, because we're all suffering for our own reason.

All and all, I love you so much guys. Thank you for reading. Keep spreading love. I hope that you are happy and will always be happy. I wish you a very pleasant day and night.

"Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle," - Plato

Oh. Almost forgot. Here you go, virtual hugs 🤗 and kisses 😘, and pats in the back 👋🏻 from me to everyone, including Kang Daniel. Great job guys 👍🏻. I love you, with all my heart.

 I love you, with all my heart

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With Love,

Shia Akle

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