Why he loves you

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I know I said no more imagines but oh well! 😂

"I'm serious, we're dating!"
Rachel raised an eyebrow and sighed, shaking her head like a disappointed aunt.
"You're telling me, Brooklyn, the most handsome pile of blonde hair and toothy grins ever to have lived is dating..." she paused and looked me up and down
"You?" Her voice contained so much jealousy and venom it actually threw me a little.
I mean sure, my hair was wet from the shower and in a total mess, and yeah, I hadn't plucked my eyebrows in like 2 months, and maybe I hadn't shaved my legs since New Years. Crap! She was right! Why was Brooklyn dating me?
"I'm not that bad!" I pouted, hoping to god she was joking. To save her pretty face, my self esteem and our friendship.
"You look like a pregnant 45 year old" she shot back.

I slapped her, hard in the cheek, walked out of her bedroom, slammed her front door, power walked back to my house, flopped on my bed, Ignored my mum and called my super hot boyfriend over so I could kiss him until the pain left.

No, actually I burst into a pathetic lump of tears and leg hair. I stayed like that for the entire weekend, I ignored Brooklyn's calls and shut myself away. I know it was a petty little bitch fight but I'm sensitive.

On Sunday afternoon I was sat in bed, sulking, watching friends on Netflix and eating my body weight in chocolate when I heard a familiar voice from the door.

"Hi, I know you haven't been answering my calls lately, but I phoned your sister, and she explained. Whoever made you this upset shouldn't be your friend, and no matter how bad I want to drive over and talk to you in person I can't, and you won't speak to me, which kind of hurt a bit, so voicemail will do"
I looked over at the phone that had been slid under my door and sighed.

"I know why your upset, too" he paused, as if trying to compose all the thoughts in his head.
"I do love you, I love you so bad it hurts, but I wouldn't have it any other way"
A tear made it's way down my cheek and fell off my chin
"I love your hair, and how you always wear it up in different styles, how you ask me how it looks and than deny it when I tell you.
I love your eyes, they're beautiful, have I ever told you that?"
I laughed a bit, he tells me every time he sees me
"I love your nose, it's cute, and only you can sneeze adorably"
That was a lie, I sneeze like a drowning elephant
"I love your voice, I could listen to it all day, remember that time I fell asleep on your shoulder before the show? When I got really nervous and you told me it was all gonna be ok? I don't think there was a moment in my life where, if it all ended then, I'd be just fine.
I love your sense of humour, how you laugh at my jokes even if they're not funny, the boys find you hilarious, too.
I love the way you snort when you laugh,
I love how you hide the dimple on your cheek when it's adorable,
How you can sing all the Beatles songs upside down on monkey bars better than I can normally.
How you rest your head on my chest when we watch a movie
How you know all the lines to The Breakfast club off by heart
I love you, and so many other things about you, no one is ever gonna change that" the voice mail ended, and I was smiling through the tears, I saved that message, I listen to it every day.

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