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At school five boys would stand out to you. The first was Rye Beaumont, the athletic type, the type of person that girls wanted to date and guys wanted to be. Although you had more dignity to bow before him like some other girls practically did, you found yourself talking to him and began to see him as more than a Jock. Rye would come every week to the restaurant you would work at and order a cup of tea, then invite you to sit with him, much to the managers annoyance.

Rye's best friend was a guy called Andy Fowler, who tended to be taken more often than not with different girls. You had known Andy since you were young and knew not to hold that against him, unlike some other boys, he did not simply get bored with his love interests but figure out that they weren't right for him. Andy was a hopeless romantic though he preferred to hide it. Rye, Andy and you would often go to concerts and stay awake on a constant caffeine buzz from the coffee in your flask. Rye insisted on instead drinking tea.

Brooklyn Wyatt was a boy who sat next to you in music, you soon figured out that he could sing and insisted he sing more often. Brooklyn was a rather confident soul but only around those he felt comfortable with, you gradually learnt what a nutcase he was and by then you'd already been taken by his charm. He became your best friend in high school and the two of you were inseparable, Rye and Andy began to get to know him too and on Saturday nights they met up in Rye's garage to do something they refused to tell you about.

Mikey Cobban moves into the school in senior year, as soon as he did, Rye immediately became friends with him. They hit off straight away and therefore you found yourself getting to know him as well. He became a brotherly figure to you, calm and collected one minute, a total maniac the next. He was pretty unpredictable but a great friend. You used to have him over almost every day and ended up giving him your keys so he could let himself in when you couldn't be bothered to open the door.

Jack Duff was the last to enter your little group, he had been at the school for a while. But his constant tiredness had caused you to think he was merely angry all the time. You met him properly when you were paired with him in science class, he picked up the dead frog you were dissecting and made it dance and sing to a song he wrote himself. After that he began to hang out with you all more. You stayed inseparable even after graduation, and long after they formed Roadtrip.

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