Part 6

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*Jungkooks POV*

I wake up and look around, my bleak white walls are illuminated by the early morning sun through my window as it passes over the city horizon and the orange sunlight slowly fills my room, I check the clock beside me, 4 am, great, another sleepless night, I brush off the fact that I have gotten like zero sleep in the past 2 weeks and decide I should go for some coffee at my favorite coffee shop in Seoul, its called 틸팅 컵 (the tilting mug), I pull myself weakly out of my bed and change out of my white tank top and boxers and into a pair of black skinny jeans, Timberlands, and a white T-shirt that I've worn 3 times this week already but I don't care, It's a shirt, not a tampon, deal with it.

I walk to my living room, still pulling my shirt over my head as I stand in the doorway. I turn my gaze to the living room, only to see my roommate Hobi and some boy on the couch making out, the boy has his legs wrapped around Hobi's waist and his hands in his hair. I lean against the doorway

"Care to introduce me to your little friend before I leave?" I ask, knowing damn well this is absolutely none of my business. The pink-haired boy looks up at me in shock and Hobi turns to me with this look on his face; teeth clenched tightly in a passive-aggressive smile, with eyes locked angrily in mine.

"Fuck off Jungkook," He says in a sing-song voice through clenched teeth, his eyes darting between me and the pink-haired boy as if to signal to me that I need to take a hint.

"Not until I know who your fuck buddy is," I say with a smirk.

"This is Park Jimin if you must know, and he's my boyfriend."I give him a look of confusion, that can't be the same Jimin as Tae is dating, right? Hobi catches me staring at Jimin.

"What are you staring at him for? He's mine, back of-" before he can finish his answer I'm walking towards Jimin and pulling him off of Hobi.

"Hey Jimin you mind if I talk to you outside?" I say with fake sincerity, pulling his arm so that he follows me.

"Sure" He smiles before waving back at Hobi with a wink, as if nothing is wrong with this situation. I open the door and pull him outside, the frigid air stings my exposed skin like pin pricks but I don't care, I have to deal with this, I grab him by the collar of his baby pink shirt and get in his face

"Ok listen here you little shit, I know who you are. AND I know you are dating Taehyung and Hobi at the same time-"

"wait-" Jimin interrupts but I continue

"Either break it off with Hobi or come clean to Taehyung because they don't deserve your bullshit" I say, rage dripping from every word

"You listen." Jimins arms extend as if he's going to grab my shirt collar but he quickly recedes, deciding that is a bad idea."Number one; Taehyung cheated on me first, I read through his texts to someone called Jeon Cena on Twitter and I'm sure he was at least flirting with him, so I decided to get back at him. He knows how I feel about flirting." When he says this, my stomach drops. Did I fuck up Tae's relationship?

"Bull. Shit. I personally know Taehyung and the owner of the "Jeon Cena" account pretty well, and I know neither of them had anything romantic going on even if Jeon Cena wanted it! Taehyung stayed true to you because, news flash asshole! He loves you! but I can't see why because you're a real dick." I let go of his shirt and let out a sigh I had been keeping in my chest, my reddened face finally cooling off as the adrenaline wears off.

"Please... apolagize to Taehyung.. He doesn't deserve this and you know it. Tell him what you did or I will, and I'm sure hearing that from me would hurt a hell of a lot more than hearing it from his beloved Jimin that he thinks so highly of." I walk away and start walking to the coffee shop, needing to find a place to take a breath after that encounter.

Hey guys! me again, should I do more chapters without texts or with both dialogue and texts or like this? I like this style of writing but I dont know if anyone else will like my book if I do both, aa idk sorry for the rant thingy

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