Part 14 (smut again)

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Taehyung sends a video of him from the stomach down, grinding his cock hidden between silky white pillows desperately and whining softly and softly moaning out curses under his breath, and, a name he couldn't quite catch, could that have been Jungkooks name?

Daddy: You can ride that pillow all you want mutt but don't you dare cum yet, you'll regret it.

Baby boy: what? why?

Daddy: Because I said so, you can't cum until I make you.

Baby boy: then come and make me daddy, im literally begging you. please come fuck me.

Jungkook couldn't resist the aching bulge in his pants, that video of Taehyung really pushed him over his edge, he needed some relief and soon.

Daddy: fuck, fine

Baby boy: here's where I live *insert address*

Daddy: I'm on my way now. 

Jungkook drives quickly down the dimly lit street, he can't believe he's driving all the way to Taehyungs house at 1 am but fuck he needed this, he had dreamt of this almost every night since they met, he arrived at Tae's apartment and knocked on the door

"come in," a voice said from inside, he walks in to see Taehyung laying on a couch in lace red lingerie

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