I yawn placing my phone on my bed and standing up putting on my gray sweatpants and a black thick zip-up hoodie. I pick up  my phone and put it in the torn up pocket adding my earphones alongside with it. I  slowly pick up my backpack with my ice skates inside  and begin slowly walking down

"Honey, give me five more minutes, alright?" I hear my mother screaming from upstairs while putting on her gold plates 5k earrings.

"Alright". I slip on my torn and old, muddy, black converse. Looking down as I let out a long sigh. I notice my mom run downstairs putting on her suede, blue jacket.

"Jessica did you prepare the water for today", I nod staring at my mother while she puts her shoes on and heads out the door with me following behind her.

We enter the car as she sees my beanie on and pulls it off unraveling the hair that was crammed inside that hoodie. "What did I tell you about putting your hair up like that? your a girl keep it down". I sigh, looking out the window as the song Perfect by Ed Sheeran plays. Everday when I go ice skating I'm lonely. I have no one to talk to, hold my hand, joke around and enjoy moments with them on the ice. I always see my mom with her boyfriend, hold his hand, joking, kissing. It creates a hole in my heart reminding me I'm forever alone. The black hole grows bigger and bigger every time I enter the ice, sometimes I cry and sometimes I just ignore the world around me.

My mom parks the car as I walk out and begin heading to the entrance, I open the entrance door and the second entrance door waiting in line to check my name for lessons and get a stamp for the free skate. I check in taking my stamp and trembling from anxiety to the bench, placing my backpack on the ground and taking out my skates. My mother does the same and takes a sip of her coffee shivering from the cold temperature of the rink. I smile at her as I take her backpack and place it on the floor behind the railing. When I enter the cold   ice my skate blades glisten to the light hitting the ice then to my mirrored blades. I skate to my teacher, her name is Carrie, Carrie Anderson. She's been my teacher since December, I enjoy her teaching, shes understanding. The teacher takes attendance as we begin warm-ups, we skate from one end of the rink to the other as one foot stays still and the other foot swizzles like a 3 pattern. Next, we begin with our crossovers as I see my mom excelling at it and well... I'm getting there. Class ends as I get pulled aside to practice on Mohawks with the teacher. She teaches me how to place my feet in the right position and where to balance correctly. She tells me Im getting better and leaves as I begin to skate towards my mom and we talk for a while.

I begin skating for a while, plugging in my earphones and listening to Saturnz Barz by Gorillaz. As the calming words coming out of the lead singer 2D's mouth matching exactly how I feel and who I am. A broken individual whose identity isn't being accepted from his loved ones closest to him and his failing love life he never seems to get. My eyes close as I take turns on the ice watching out for younger kids around me who like to zip around me and make me feel uncomfortable.

2 Hearts and  One RinkWhere stories live. Discover now