I smile as I look at the time and notice only 7 more minutes until free skate is over and time to finally go home. I look at my phone and skate off to exit door of the rink, I suddenly notice my charm is gone. The charm is a blue small flower, kind of a lucky charm I would say. I walk up to the the desk asking if they have seen a blue charm, both of the ladies shake their head. I sigh and walk away to the bench sitting down. Suddenly I see a boy who has my charm giving it to the desk to return to the lost and found, the two ladies point at me. I blush a deep red, embarrassment crosses my mind as the boy smiles handing me my charm and complimenting my shirt making me more red than I ever could be.

I realize the shirt I'm wearing has the transgender flag, and it crosses my mind that the guy who gave me my charm back is the same as me. Someone who identifies with what I feel, someone to get me out of this dark hole forming in my chest. I skate over to him with 5 minutes left on the clock.

"H-Hi I wanted to say thank you for finding the charm." My cheeks turn red as he smiles. "Hey, no problem. My name is Zach ." He replies with a bright smile on his face letting out his hand. "I-I'm Jack, so I see your trans too?" I look down hoping I didn't get his pronouns wrong and mess everything up like the fuck up I am. "Yeah, haha. I actually wanted to say hi to you before but I was nervous." My eyes light up as I hear words come out of someone's mouth that they want to know me. "W-well do you have a number I can contact you on?" I place my hand on the back of my neck rubbing it as I feel my heart skip beats. "Sadly no, but I do have an email. It's Zach.0000005@fantom05.org" I smile and chuckle as the intercom speaks out that free skate is over and it's time to leave the ice. We look at each other as we say our goodbyes and leave knowing we both have made a new friend.

2 Hearts and  One RinkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora