I wake up getting ready for school, same deal as everyday. Jeans, hoodie, converse and backpack, I remember everything from last night like it was only a movie. It was a movie, and movie of a possible friend. My phone buzzes as I get a reminder for another class, but also a reminder I should definitely email Zach. I type in a message, a normal message trying to sound as chill as I can be without seeming desperate. "Hey, it's me Jack from yesterday at the ice rink." I press send as moments later my phone lets out a ding, I get an email back. "Hey Jack! How are you?". I blush walking to school as rain pours down on my long brown hair soaking me, "I'm pretty good, how are you?" I see no reply as I turn my phone off and walk to school, as it's silent and all I hear is rain hitting roofs and cars being driven from across the street.

I get to school as my friend Ashlyn runs towards me and jumps in me hugging me to where I can at all feel my own binder squeeze me to death. "So? Ready for the biology test?" I gulp and shake my head as I hear her small giggle. "Well me neither my boy." Ashlyn is a close friend of mine, so close she's basically my sister from another mister. We're clingy with each other a lot, I mean he sits on my lap, we hold hands in the hallways, she cuddle and hug for about 5 minutes a day. Others in the school only view us as Lesbians, but she's lesbian...I'm gay. We begin walking out separate ways as my first period is Spanish 1, I have miss Luis. What a bitch.

As lunch starts I hear kids laughing from a distance and boys screaming out gay jokes. Not to me but in general, "Dude! The music you like is so gay!" I roll my eyes and continue walking to the front of the library where Ashlyn and I sit for lunch. I bring my bag to the floor as I see Ashlyn run up the stairs with her food and walk to me, she greets me and sits down at next to me telling me all about her day and making my laugh with gay porn memes. I smile as the day goes on and not getting a single message from Zach.

2 Hearts and  One RinkWhere stories live. Discover now