All I've ever wanted *4

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I'm not sure I like these first chapters because they're dragging like a paaaaiiiiiinnn! 

But they have to be done because I have to let you guys get to know Ethan a bit more. 

I can't wait till it all spices up ;)


The next morning I woke up with what felt like two large and overpowering sandbags under my eyes; I was completely and utterly shattered and my eyes were sore and puffy from the tears I used to cry myself silently to sleep last night. 

After the movie last night, I completed all my homework, checked my emails and then decided to go to bed. Of course a couple of hours later and I heard that familiar tapping on my window.

As much as I wanted to role my eyes and pull the covers above my head, I knew I just couldn't ignore it.  

Anyone would think I was an idiot to let Ethan in from the way he was subconsciously treating me, but...

But nothing. I loved him and I was a fool. He walked all over me and I didn't care. 

Those are just the stupid side effects of what love does to you.


"Could you possibly take any longer? I swear my balls just froze and dropped to Brazil here!" Ethan complained as he climbed in through the window.

The heavy scent of cheap perfume and vodka clung to the leather jacket that was so carelessly thrown to my bedroom floor.  

My heart twisted slightly in my chest as soon as I noticed the lipstick stains on Ethan's crisp white collar.  

"What's wrong? What are you looking at?" Ethan asked warily. 

It was then I realised that I was still staring at him with a tortured expression upon my face; the same expression that always appears every night when the same situation occurs yet he's always so oblivious to the truth of what that expression holds. 

Some best friend.

And then I'd say the same thing I did every night.

"Oh nothing, I'm just tired that's all"

"Well go to bed then nothing is stopping you" Ethan chuckled before making his way to the bathroom and out of my sight. Again.

I know this is a lot to put up with, but he is also my best friend and best friends should be there for one another. I know he would be there for me if I were in need of him...


"Jen could you hurry the fuck up? Trixie is waiting for me at school!" Ethan yelled from downstairs.

I could hear my mother scolding him from the kitchen for his bad use of language.

I quickly ran a brush through my hair and tied it back into loose bun before throwing my baggy gray sweater on over my knee length khaki skirt and grabbed my bag pack.

"Finally! What were you doing upstairs? It's not like you had make up to apply!" Ethan snapped impatiently.

I fought off the tears that threatened to spill over the rims of my watery eyes. I'm not going to say that didn't hurt. It hurt alright, but I didn't want him to think that he had actually insulted me, nor did I want him feeling sorry for pitiful me as soon as he realised that. It's not like he actually meant it the way I was taking it to heart, he just wanted to meet Trina... no wait, Trixie?

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