All I've ever wanted *5

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Hiiii again :) 

Okay uploaded a bit sooner than normal today because of the pleas for this chapter. 

Yeah Ethan is a dick and I hate him right now... 

But remember, no matter what happens in this chapter, Jenny still loves him. 

She may forgive him... or not :P 


I walked down the beach side my side next to Ethan. Neither of us said anything, yet the silence was still comfortable and at the same time nerve-racking. 

My eyes were still red and puffy from the crying and I walked with my arms wrapped around myself for comfort.

Ethan had brought me here as soon as I reawakened from the faint. He wanted to apologize for everything that had happened, of how he was lost for words and couldn't speak when he should of.

I didn't know what to believe, the fact that he could be lying as an excuse just to make me forgive him, or that he actually and genuinely was lost for words, and I let my humiliation overpower me and my emotions.

He made the effort to apologize at least. After the faint, I awoke in Ethan's arms. Under other circumstances, I would have thought that just that alone would make me faint again, but I was still mad at him. He had apologized over and over again and promised me he would never let me be in those types of situations again and to make it up to me, he wanted to take me somewhere because there was something he had to tell me and since I had fainted at school, they allowed me go home with Ethan since my parents were unreachable.

So here we were, the waves were silently crashing against the rocks beneath us as we sat at the peak looking down at the view below; Kids with their parents using buckets to make sand castles, friends sunbathing together in matching bikinis whilst guys purposely played football in front of them to catch their attention, flexing their muscles in the sunlight to illuminate their eye candy bodies, couples everywhere, couples old and couples young. I watched as they walked hand in hand down the beach, how little things such as a guy wiping ice scream on his girlfriend's nose could make her blush so much, and how he'd stop to kiss her nose; making her giggle.

What I wouldn't give to be like that with Ethan. But again, this is all Ethan and I would ever be. Friends. Nothing more. Friends who sat on top of rocks in silence, neither one of them managing to break the silence. The silence that held so much anxiety it made your stomach do sickening churns inside.

"Jenny, there's something I have to tell you" Ethan sighed after a few more moments of silence.

His voice broke through my body like a sledge hammer on ice, making me jump after the unbearable silence. 

He said he had brought me here because he had something to tell me. 

Was he about to tell me this now? Did I even want to know? After everything I had been through this morning I just wanted to go home.

I took a nervous glance at Ethan and saw him watching me cautiously. He sat with his legs up to his chest and his arms resting upon his knees. The sleeves of his white creased skirt folded back to his elbows. His lean tan arms turning hints of red from the sunlight above. His eyebrows were drawn together in a wary frown and his lips were pressed tightly together as if he wasn't sure whether to say something or not. Did I have to mention how beautiful he looked when he was thinking intently?

I waited for him to speak but still nothing.

I was starting to get sick and tired of this silence and I suddenly became angry with him. He was the one who brought me here, he was the one who said he had something to tell me, he was the one who I had so easily forgiven earlier... or had I? 

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