My Drunk "Mistake" (A Hartbig love story)

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( A/N: Hartbig Fanfic. my very first, be gentile with me I know it might be bad and all... but i tried... and I'm on a tablet.)

Its a warm Thursday night in LA, the weather has been getting hotter and the signs that summer is here have been flooding in.

"we could talk about it." Grace attempts to lighten the mood of a very nervous pacing Hannah.

The shorter girl has been moving from the door to the end of the tile in Grace's kitchen for a good two to three minutes and it was actually starting to make Grace dizzy.

"Hannah, please stop pacing" the taller woman sighed slumping down onto the sofa in her living room.

"do you think anyone saw?" Hannah asks as she picks up her phone from the counter to once again check her social media sites for any mention of her accidental My Drunk Kitchen upload from the morning. When she clicked the file she and Grace had already been drinking and with all the other things happening in the moment paying attention to the upload seemed remotely small. Had it not been for Mamrie they may not have noticed until it was too late. Hannah had taken the video down with maybe a hundred, views at most... so why where they not talking!

"Hannah if-" Grace started to speak but Hannah cut her off.

"they aren't talking about it, dose that mean they didn't see it? because there were views. Did they see it and just-are they pissed at us-what dose it mean?" Hannah huffed tossing her phone on the counter top again.

Without speaking Grace stood up and crossed the space. Once she was in front of her shorter friend she smiled. It wasn't one of those over the top 'it's going to be okay smiles' she smiled a Grace Helbig smile. A smile that said so much that it said nothing at all. Hannah couldn't help but to just grin back.

"cliche as it is Han everything is gonna be fine. We didn't lie to them, they'll get it. So what if the world saw that video? They were gonna find out in time." Grace and Hannah had a little more than a height difference Grace has always been a funny hugger with her long long arms, but somehow they fit together perfectly. As grace lovingly ran her hand through Hannah's hair she could feel the smaller girl leaning into her. "You never wanted to keep this a secret anyway." Hannah couldn't help but hear the guilty influx of Graces voice even though Grace clearly tried to hide it. She tugged herself lightly out of their embrace to look Grace in the eyes.

"Grace we both agreed on keeping us a secret" Hannah's voice held a stern defense.

"No, I know." Grace said unconvincingly. "But I know you don't enjoy lying"

"I don't like lying yeah but we didn't lie we just kept information to ourselves and-" Grace cut Hannah off again this time a little more certainty in her voice.

"And now we aren't." the girls had unknowingly moved farther away from one another. There was now a rather uncomfortable distance between them.

"I really don't cannot take blame when there isn't...damn it Grace." Hannah sighed getting caught on her words.

"If I hadn't insisted on keeping our private life this private you wouldn't be pacing my kitchen hoping to god that no one saw a video that may or may not have had kisses, and slightly above normal touching." Grace's voice was soft shifting the mood of the room,"you wouldn't have been scrambling to take it down because everyone would have seen it an known it was an accidental drunken upload that you would have taken down and re-uploaded and that would of been the end. but no... you're standing her checking Tumblr and Twitter every six seconds hoping that someone doesn't say something. Because of me."

"Gracie" Hannah smiled lovingly a warm tingle to her voice "no," she step forward again closing the awkward gap and took Grace's hands in hers before she continued to speak,"We needed this to be private, one because I agree that as a youtuber my love life is just that mine. I think Hartbig is crazy awesome and knowing that our fans would be cool if we just made out in front of the camera is sweet as hell, but I never meant for you to think that I needed that. An also because I like having no pressure on us what we do or say."

My Drunk "Mistake"  (A Hartbig love story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang