My Drunk "Mistake" (A Hannah Kisser pt 2)

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        Living together isn't really what Grace or Hannah had expected, witch may say too much because neither of them really had expected much of anything at all at least nothing different. Still both women worked, often away from home attending meetings and working on things away from the comfort of the their shared space. Regardless of the time spent apart and the disappointment that came with it Hannah and Grace had never felt more connected, because even though most of their day consisted of being parted they had almost every night to make up for the hours or in some cases days spent apart. They didn't spends their nights any different from how they had before, they'd curl up on the sofa with a blanket big enough for both of them but small enough that they'd have to cuddle. The majority of the night passed like that watching random TV or a few movies. Sometimes they'd film a kitchen, well Hannah would film and Grace would watch making Grace like comments that Hannah sometimes left in when editing. They even spent nights going over to Mame's house to film You Deserve A Drink, it was all normal for them but some how it was all different. The difference was that they were on their sofa watching their TV, they left their house to go to Mame's and they came home to their home to a single place they shared not just as friends or roommates, but as lovers. The difference was that they were in this place together.

"Hannah if the pizza is black on the bottom will you still eat it?" Grace's calls towards their bedroom from the kitchen where she stands facing a pizza, that-may-have-been-forgotten-due-to-a-spontaneous-round-of--a-rather-new-form-of-lovemaking, she just pulled out of the oven.

"if your okay with it," Hannah responds popping her head out of the bedroom the comforter wrapped over her entire small frame, Grace let's out a little laugh at the site of Hannah practically being swallowed by the blanket.

 "I mean we could like scrap the bottom off... or like just eat the top." Hannah shrugged but the bulk of the blanket made it pretty impossible to see her movement. Suddenly Grace felt something wet on her calf and jumped letting out a little yelp as she did so. Hannah laughed as she watched Grace realize it had only been Goose smelling the pizza and wanting some for herself.

"Goose you little nugget butt!" Grace laughs lightly pushing the dog away from her bare leg.

"maybe she thinks that shirt looks too good on you." Hannah smiles, Grace had warn men's button ups before plenty on her own and sometimes from the men she dated but wearing Hannah's felt softer, newer, right.

"I think it could be a little longer" Grace jokes but the shirt actually fits just fine, it hangs a little higher than shed like but it buttons and stop right above her boy shorts with makes her feel oddly sexy. Hannah smiles at the joke but doesn't say anything as Grace starts to cut the now cooled pizza. "do you have to be anywhere tomorrow?" Grace asks as Hannah starts to move back into the bedroom. the smaller woman stops and thinks before she answers,

"uhh Tyler asked if I wanted to do a collab but I could always reschedule" Hannah says in a bit of questioning manner. "do you have plans?" Hannah asked.

"just gonna shoot a Q and A for the channel..." Grace said letting the end trail off.

"okay." Hannah smiled before disappearing into the bedroom.


Neither of the women remember fumbling into bed but somehow eating pizza turned into dropping pizza on the floor and stumbling into bed pulling of articles of clothing like they were on fire. Hannah woke up a few hours after they'd fallen asleep tangled together, the petite woman sleepily gazed over at the side table clock. '6:10pm' she smiled, they'd spent the entire day in bed making love. Grace was still sleeping so Hannah slipped out of bed she threw on some sweats and Grace's camp takota sweat shirt and made her way out of the room silently. She found Goose curled up by the back door so she quickly leashed the dog and slipped on a pair of shoes deciding to take her for a little walk. Before the left she scribbled out a note.

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