My Drunk "Mistake" (chapter 3)

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(Hey guys just a quick thing here I guess, just wanted to say thanks for reading if you're reading thats super awsome and it makes me a little excited to know that people are liking this... if you're liking it.... okay anyway just wanted to note that yes I know that some of the information is mixed up in this like, this chapter talks alot about Hannah's place and its obviously the little appartment and not the palce she has now or whatever but like it's fanfiction so like it dosent have to all be in order because it's not real... so yeah.. okay sorry for taking so much times.)

.PS sorry for all the type-o's I'm on a table and i tried my best but I know I left a lot! Sorry!!!







"Hey guys its Tuesday here on itsgrace and"

"and I'm Hannah hart!" Hannah beamed stepping into Grace's shot and grinning at the camera. Grace smiled letting out a small laugh. She'd edit her tittle in at this point later and then cut to her and Hannah sitting down. "That good?" Hannah asked as she turned around to face Grace. The brunette laughed nodding.

"Come sit" Grace patted the sofa cushion beside her. "Let's start." Hannah flopped down beside Grace and smiled. "Hannah is here to help me talk back to ya."

"Aren't you gonna say its Tuesday again?" Hannah asked with a giggle. Grace attempts to be mad at Hannah interrupting her but the little blondes giggling makes it hard not to smile.

"Its Tuesday here on itsgrace and I'm here to talk back to you." Grace smiled, "this is Hannah" right after the words left her mouth both girls erupted in laughter.

"Its Tuesday here on itsgrace and I am here to talk back to you" Hannah said when she and Grace finally stopped laughing putting and emphasis on the I am.

* * *

The video took longer to film than most of Grace's Tuesday videos which she actually expected. Once they finished filming Hannah flopped down on the sofa as Grace stood to turn the camera off.

"I'm beat" Hannah huffed. As Grace took the camera off the try pod and set it on the coffee table.

"How are things with Swike" Grace asked as she moved back to Hannah and the sofa.

"They're fine, work and work you know."

" Hannah." Hannah hide her face behind a pillow because she knows that's Grace's 'we-are-going-to-talk-about-it' voice and she doesn't want to talk about it. Sarah really up set her thinking that she could control her life. Even though Hannah knows that isn't what was really going on. "Swike isn't just your boss, she's your friend. A really good friend. I've seen you two together Hannah."

"Sarah is my manager, an I respect her, but if she can't except my personal-"

"Han please could you-"

"Can we talk about something else" Hannah said sharply as she sat up on the sofa and faced Grace. The tone in her voice surprised Grace just a little. The women hardly fought and when they did it was short and sorted out all in that moment.

"No" Grace said calmly setting her hand on Hannah's knee. "Listen, I know you're mad. I don't know what she said and if she said something that just set you off, but honey you aren't going to get over it until you talk to her." Grace was right. Hannah was the kind of person who need to confront and resolve or confront and move on but she couldn't just sit and pretend.

* * *

Grace and Mamrie have a lunch date so she clocks out early. She leaves the little blonde to another seasonal gorge of the Doctor and heads to bed. Once she is showered and in bed however all she can think about is how much she is going to hate herself if Hannah and Sarah aren't friends anymore. Or rather how much Hannah will end up hating her. Every idea she can think of to reunite them is dumb or pointless. At least that's what she ends up telling herself. She ends up laying on her side trying to not over load herself in to much self inflicted mental pain. Hannah's bed is actually quite small and in no way big enough for both of them to fit on. Although the snuggling and and need to sleep in one an others arms was welcome, some nights it was too hot or they we're too plastered and someone would end up on the floor or sofa. Sometimes Grace thought about Hannah needing a new bed. Or just a new house because really the entire apartment was small as hell. She mostly worried about Hannah's 'Pray method' to see if there was a gas leak.

My Drunk "Mistake"  (A Hartbig love story)Where stories live. Discover now