My Drunk "Mistake" (A Hannah Kisser pt.1)

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        Clothing covered Hannah's bedroom floor. Empty and half packed boxes cover the small apartment.

        "Mini Hart? What the heck am I suppose to do with this?" Mamrie called from the living room holding up a lamp as if Hannah could see it.

        "Seeing as i'm not in there I obviously cannot tell you Mames. Ask Smells." Hannah shouts shaking her head and staring at the mess in front of her.

        "She went to the store, come help me." Mamrie yelled her voice sounding as if she was indeed in need of some assistance.

        "Sarah help Mames." Hannah called out to Swike in the kitchen.       

        "Anything to get out of this space." Sarah joked dropping the pots in her hands.

         Hannah tries to decide if she should pack her shirts or her pants or should she just put them all in one box. She stares at all her clothing for far to long. Hannah has never been good at this: moving. It makes her feel kind of uneasy. Sometimes it feels like if she puts things into boxes she won't ever be able to find them again. Today it doesn't matter Hannah came from nothing. She came from a family that only had love hope and faith. Hannah had hope and faith, hope and faith she'd find love. That she'd find happiness. She could put all of her belongings into boxes and with the chance of never seeing them again (though this was simply an irrational thought) because she had the only thing she'd ever wanted she had happiness and love and the greatest part of all was it was with her very best friend, she had Grace and she could live with just that knowledge alone.

        "Are you okay?" Grace's voice fills the room causing Hannah to jump this of course causes Grace to laugh. "Are you alright." Grace asks again only this time her words are worried and a little rushed as she crosses the small distance between them to be beside Hannah.

        "I'm fine." Hannah's voice comes out shaky and she realizes the reason Grace is worried is because Hannah is crying. She smiles before she wipes her face and chuckles. "I'm really okay," she grins as Grace wraps her in a warm but unneeded hug.

        "Then why are you crying?" Grace asks pulling away slowly and wiping a tear off of Hannah's cheek.

        "I'm happy." Hannah says truthfully. "I mean this is big right? We are moving in together." Grace smiles taking Hannah's hand in hers and softly rubbing her thumb over the back of Hannah's  hand before she says.

        "Yeah, it is big."

        "So I'm happy. I'm happy that we've come this far that you--" Hannah pauses thinking of the right words. "I'm so happy that you love me." Grace looks away blushing and Hannah grins satisfied with her words. "No Grace I mean it. I just can't believe that you chose me. Out of everyone. I get to love you. I get to wake up with you and now I get to live with you."

        "Goose didn't give this big a speech when I brought her home." Grace jokes. Hannah laughs but its soft and Grace can't tell if she's going to cry or not.

        "I'm serious Smellbig, thank you for letting me love you."

        "I should be thanking you for loving me," Grace smiles leaning into kiss the smaller woman.

        "I should be puking." Mamrie's voice cracks just before they can kiss. The mood drops and they both turn to see the red head pretending to gag by the door. They couldn't be mad if they tried. "Can we eat?" Mamrie smiles playfully at her two best friends.

        It takes a few more hours to clear Hannah's house out completely and that fact kind of scares her. She thought it would take weeks or a month but it the entire place was packed and ready to move in two days. Grace sees the worried look on her girl friends face as the smaller woman stares through her empty office and into her abandon kitchen.

        "Sad?" Grace asks wrapping her arms around Hannah's midriff and resting her head on Hannah's shoulder.

        "Just thinking of all the Kitchens I filmed here" Hannah sighs honestly.

        "We can do one in our new place" Grace offers. It shouldn't be a big deal but it is. They haven't done a Kitchen since the 'mistake' and Grace never offers to collab with Hannah. They either just end up happening or Hannah asks. This would be there first video in there first place.

        It's only now occurs to Hannah that Grace said "we" and "our". It only now sets in that they are really doing this, that Grace will be in Hannah's home 24/7--in their home. "Yes we can" Hannah smiles leaning back into Grace.

        "Come on we can go back to my place and sleep, then tomorrow will move the last of my boxes into our place." Grace grins and the whole time she's speaking there is a light playful tone in her voice. Hannah doesn't know if it's Grace's happiness that makes her happy or the constant pronounced 'our' but she loves this moment. And she it ready for many more just like it.

        "You think they're still wondering about 'piss hat' " Grace asks as the couple head for Hannah's door for the last time.

        "Who? What?" Hannah asks confused.

        "The fans" Grace says obviously, "Do you think they're still wondering about piss hat?"

        "Grace I'm still wondering about piss hat."

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