My Drunk "Mistake" (chapter 2)

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"Its a really big discussion" Mamrie said sitting down beside Hannah. The blonde nodded her agreement as she took another bite of her mac-n-cheese. "But, that isn't me saying that Grace is wrong" Hannah attempted to speak with a head nod and and some hand movements but it only irritated Mamrie. "Hannah, I'm not a mime" 

"Sorry" the smaller women smiled after swallowing her food. "I've always kinda wanted to tell everyone, Grace called me out on it and I just-- I love grace. Now that its a real topic though-we have to say something to them right?" Mamrie shrugged.

"Really you don't. You don't owe them an explanation. But it would be nice, and if you're anything Han you're nice. Grace's fans and your fans love you. They love you with just knowing what you've shared." Hannah smiles before taking another bite of her food. "If you understood that then you're welcome but Ima be honest none of it made sense to me"

"Would you do it?" Hannah asks as Mamrie takes a drink of her vodka and cranberry."I mean would you tell them or just"

"Really its your choice. We could all pretended that it never happened. Another Piss Hat." Hannah tries not to laugh but Mamrie has a way of making everything funny. "They both involve Grace helbig's vagina and your head. " this causes Hannah to choke on her mac-n-cheese.

"Mamrie" Hannah laughs trying to breathe.

"Tell them what you want, it doesn't change anything. This is the last time I'm saying anything to you or Grace. Just let me know if ya'll are gonna do it or not so I'm not surprised by the video."

* * *

There was a silence buzzing through Grace's bedroom. She'd been awake for a few minutes now and just blankly stating at the dim haze above her. Grace wanted to fall back asleep but it was 3 A.M. and she had only crawled under the covers about an hour before. The night was too still and her head was too full of thoughts. Collectively none of the things racing through her mind had to do with the "important" things in her life.

"You're too awake" Grace felt her body jump at a rough sounding voice in her darkness and a stream of warmth followed as she recognized Hannah's calm sleepy voice.

"What?" The brunette asked confused.

"You have to meet Mamrie in the morning" Hannah grumbled snuggling in to the crook of Grace's neck.

"Yeah, sorry" grace muttered softly,"things are just messy in my head." To this Hannah pulled away slightly to look at Grace. For a moment her blue orbs cut across the darkness and held Graces warm brown eyes in a silent stare. Without a word Hannah pulls herself up and kisses Grace's forehead.

"Let her sleep" Hannah whispered before pecking the scar above Grace's left eye. Grace's smiles reaching up and placing her hands on both sides of Hannah's face.

"I miss you when you aren't here" the taller women whispers before pulling the blonde down to kisses her deeply.

"I like that." Hannah grins before kissing Grace with just as much passion. "How are those thoughts." Hannah asks when they finally break apart.

"Still running, but you may have found the answer." Grace's whispered before another kisses.

"Well then I guess I'll have to kiss them all away" Hannah smiles.

"I think so"

* * *

The alarm ring out at 6:50 A.M. and Grace found enough energy to reach out and turn it off for the last time this morning. The sent of bacon and buttered filled the air and Grace smiled as it drifted into the bedroom. She smiled remembering the last time she woke to Hannah's cooking

My Drunk "Mistake"  (A Hartbig love story)Where stories live. Discover now