five ½☁

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five ½☁

the mornings mark and jackson spent together, changed a lot.

when they first stayed over at mark's house, one of their first kisses were shared in the morning. that calm and peaceful atmosphere was circling around them. fear and excitement of being together and exploring each others' interests and habits.

then, when jackson's eating disorder began, they were separated ( since they were still in high school ) and most of the mornings consisted of mark staring up at the ceiling, thinking, of how could he help jackson and the latter crying his eyes out, sobbing in the pillows, thinking he wasn't enough.

later, after they moved in together, eric stepped in the picture, triggering lost memories and making new traumatizing ones. mark would be woken up by jackson's screaming and crying, pleading eric to stop in his nightmares.

when jackson asked for help ( and mark happily complied ) he would wake up next to an empty space, look over at the slightly open bathroom door, just to find a shivering jackson, curled up on the tile floor, chanting "i don't want anymore, i want to give up",

and finally, when jackson woke up exactly 2 weeks after visit to therapist, mark's heart melted. he opened his eyes to jackson, smiling softly at him. his eyes holding a soft expression "good morning markie ~", he cooed and mark realised how much he missed these kind of mornings.

[to be continued. . .]
kim-kim ♡

mini updates will have (number)½, those will only show when i'll update twice a week ;))

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