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"Clear!" Still no beeping sound that can be hear.

"Again, Clear?"


I was standing at the side of the bed, witnessing the most hurtful thing I have seen.

They're trying to save the life of the person who I've longed the most, he's fighting.

What've just happened?

Why didn't he tell me?

My eyes are starting to tear up as I see him, many apparatuses were connected to him, I can feel the pain.

beep beep beep

"He's back!" The Doctor sighed in relief.

I quickly run over to Seungkwan, who is now lying down, safe and sound.

I held his hand as I break into tears.

"B-boo, why do you have to keep this from me? W-why do you keep this all on your own? I promised you that I'll not leave your side whatever it may be, whatever happens I'll stay by your side right? And we're gonna face our problems together and work everything out?"

"I know how hard it is that you have to fight this battle alone, you know I'm always right here for you, I know you just did that because you don't want to be a burden to me"

"Always remember, You have never been a burden for me, you're my sunshine, you're happy pill, and you're my everything. You've been there on my worse and I want to do the same thing to you"

"Please, p-please don't le-leave me"

"I love you" I said and kissed the back of his hands.

I waited for his answer, even a sign, but i don't get anything.

And Soon...

a long flat line appeared at the heart rate monitor.



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