I Remember You

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Rikuo's (yokai)POV:

I headed to the infirmary where they took Hana....Hana, her nickname I gave her I still remember that day well ,we were playing with Zen in the main garden.

I am so sure it's her and yet her appearance is very different ,but then again...I couldn't really see nor judge anything in that bloody mess.

But her hair...

I got to the infirmary but was immediatly met with a group of small yokai running out the door with bloody bandages and towels.I moved aside with ease and continued to walk to the bed in which I assumed Kubinashi to be treating her but halted.

I just stood there observing the rucus going on around me ,I can't see Hana because of the crowd of yokai swarming her to deal with her injuries.But I did see yokai preparing herbal remedies and there in middle of it all was indeed without a doubt Kubinashi giving commands to everyone.
That was when he saw me.

"Master"he said and bowed in respect.
"What is her current state?" I asked but he was already giving different commands to the other yokai 
"Yes ,that should go with the crushed lavender....take those bloody towels to Kejoro.... Be careful!"
He shouted, as he rushed over to help a small yokai about to be squashed by five heavy towels.

"Are you alright, Master?" Kurotabo asked.
"Yes thank you it seems Kubinashi is a bit preoccupied ,do you...know her current state?" I asked him.
"Well,I heard from Kubinashi that she has a broken arm and leg but thanks to the medicine it's treatable ,after all she's only human"He replied.
"Wait, what did you say about her only being human?"
"Well for one thing she has a demonic aura no doubt there but she appears physically to be human and there appears no trace of her being able to fight in that body, no weapons or anything and second I took the liberty of asking around about her from a few other clan leaders to specify and they agree she appears human " He answered.

"Thank you Kuro, you work fast"
"Any time master"
Then he went over to help with the herbal remedies

This is so strange perhaps when she wakes up I can ask her wh-

"What's going on! How can she be..."

I heard Kubinashi shout and that interrupted everything and made everyone go silent ,I saw all the yokai that were surrounding her back away.

Then I had a clear view of her for the first time.

She was changing from when we found her.... to the Hana I knew...
Back and forwards...like a mirage.

That's right no doubt.

I approached her and knelt down by her side, picked up her soft pale hand and held her head with my other hand.
"I'm here...Hana...they won't hurt you now."

Hana's POV:

This dark unconsciousness I hate not knowing what's going on,this pain is unbearable,I really would rather just...

No,come on you can't think that way you have a clan to lead they are all counting on me.

Damn my host is growing weaker!
But I suppose it is getting close to that day...

But what is this it feels as if someones holding my hand and head, so warm, so comforting...so much like.....
No it can't be .....
My host began to calm a little and settled back into her natural form, no one could see my true form anymore...thank god!

" I'm here Hana...they won't hurt you now."

That is him his voice , his touch...his love.

This is him.....
but wait where's
my clan and...

~Love With A Risk~Rikuo Nura (Yokai Side)~Love Story~Where stories live. Discover now