I Missed You

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  Hana's POV:

My eyes opened to be met by, at first a light which blinded me, but I recovered quickly and then when things came into focus there was a pair of blood red eyes much like my own, well in my true form anyway...
His eyes...

"Yeah,it's me"

I smirked at the tone of his voice so soft and caring and......protective.
"It's been a while don't tell me you've gone soft" I said

"Heh, no way, don't worry about that and it is you Hana, isn't it?"

"Yes, I promise"

He then gave me a genuine smile.

"Excuse me ,Master Rikuo but her wounds..." said Kubinashi.

"Oh, you don't have to do that they will heal, now that I'm awake" I said to them.
"Are you sure, their pretty bad for a human?" Kurotabo told me.

What is he talking about?
Oh, right my host, I still have my demonic aura but this body is...

"Hey are you alright?" Rikuo asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hm, yes fine"

I said as I tried to get up I only got pushed back down....gently.

"You should rest" Rikuo told me.
"I'm fine really, I can walk, there's something I need to-"

"STOP YOU CAN'T GO IN THERE!!!!!" Someone shouted from outside.

Then he spotted me along with several other yokai from my clan, thank god they are okay.

"MY LADY!" They all said at the same time.
"What is it? Are you all alright?" I asked concerned 
They all got down on their hands and knees and bowed.
"We are so sorry my lady please forgive us for not finding you sooner and...are you alright?" Haruka spoke.
"No need for apologies and I'm fine Haruka it wasn't your fault, it was none of yours" I said reassuring them.
I got up and stood without trouble but held my chest wound.
"My leg and arm should have healed by now,thank you for your medication Kubinashi" I thanked him.

I remember Kubinashi, he was always around when we played.

"Now Haruka ,where is the rest of the clan?" I asked turning to him.
"Outside the front gate of this mansion, My lady"
"Right, I must address them immediately"
"Are you sure your alright ,my lady?" Haruka asked.
"Fine Haruka"

But no sooner had I taken a few steps I had collapsed onto my knees from a pain in my chest.

"My lady!" Kurosai rushed over to help me.
"I'm fine don't worry" I said as I walked forwards again but...stumbled as I went.
Then I felt strong arms lift me up from the ground.
"Put our Lady down!" Haruka told Rikuo sternly
"Please if you wouldn't mind Rikuo, I'm fine really"
"Your sure?" he asked.
"I am"

I limped through the house, but gradually got better towards the front gate Haruka helping me as I went.

The gates were closed.
"Thank you Haruka"
"That's fine my lady"
I could of sworn I saw a flash of jealousy across Rikuo's face, but as soon as it was there it was gone perhaps.......my imagination.

The gates opened to revel my loyal and almost all trustworthy clan.

Someone had betrayed me and I intend to find out who.....  

~Love With A Risk~Rikuo Nura (Yokai Side)~Love Story~Where stories live. Discover now