A Proposal

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We went back to the Tono village and went to find Itaku.

Rikuo insisted on carrying me down the hill, similarly what had happened with Rikuo before our fight just being around in his arms, I seemed to recover and gain my energy back before we even got to the main hut , where we assumed Itaku would be.

We were right and before we entered I asked Rikuo to put me down.

"Itaku, I'm sorry for what happened in the mountains fighting on your land, I am truly sorry we destroyed the landscape"

"It's alright, the land will recover but I cannot say the same for your clan, I am sorry Hana"

"It's okay, they can rest peacefully now and If it's alright with you to come back and visit them from time to time?"

"Of course you can and Rikuo I take it you will be leaving now then?"

"Yeah, unless you need any help here at all, are you all going to be alright here?" Rikuo replied taking my hand in his

"We will be fine, I think I have a handle on things here for now, besides looks like you have some thing to sort out at home yourself, let me know when the wedding is"

I blushed bright red and looked at Rikuo who only smirked and closed his eyes, as if he was seriously considering it.

"Hm, we will but seriously if you need anything don't hesitate to contact us"


With that we left and began to head back to the Nura mansion, still holding each other close, despite being physically better I was emotionally drained, I had lost so much in a matter of weeks.

I was the last of the Liren clan.

It bothered me but not as much as I thought it would, at least now I could be with Rikuo without having to worry about any repercussions with my side of my family, Rikuo's however may be an issue.

We would have to see...

I needed to find out about this bond between Rikuo and I, there was something about it that was unlike anything I had ever heard before, I could swear there's something else going on.

Unless this really is normal love, but it felt very different.

"Hey Hana you've been staring off into space for a while, are you okay?"

"Hm, yes just thinking, what's going to happen when we get back?"

"Well, I was wondering Hana, if you... would want to..."

"Yes Rikuo?"

Rikuo stopped walking and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Hana Liren, will you marry me!"

I was in shock, sure we were betrothed but having him ask me anyway, filled me with so much happiness.

"Y-Yes Rikuo! I will, I definitely will!" As I said this I jumped into his arms.

I don't think I have ever been so happy in my entire life, what he said made me feel as though the hole in my heart the loss of my clan had caused was already beginning to heal.

By now his entire clan was fully aware of the topic we were discussing and well...
They simply cheered.
The smile on his face and his eyes, I don't think I've ever seen him so happy, and that only made me smile more and bring tears to my eyes.
"We'll start arranging things as soon as we get back, if that's okay?" He asked me.
"Of course, I can't wait"

For the rest of the journey I was excited for when we got home, Rikuo and I discussed what would happen for the wedding. We both reveled in our time together now, we both knew there would be little time when we arrived back for a while.

~Love With A Risk~Rikuo Nura (Yokai Side)~Love Story~Where stories live. Discover now