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harrystyles: hey Tay

harrystyles: uhm, are you free next week?

harrystyles: the boys and I would stay in LA for a couple of weeks for recording

harrystyles: I heard you were gonna be there too

harrystyles: I was thinking if I could invite you to dinner?
seen: 8:42 am

harrystyles: I would cook for us

harrystyles: would it be okay?
seen 8:52 am

harrystyles: we could invite the guys if you're uncomfortable

harrystyles: you could bring mere too
seen 9:13 am

harrystyles: tay?

harrystyles: are you there?
seen 9:26 am

harrystyles: you're not interested

harrystyles: okay.

harrystyles: I'm sorry.
seen 10:45 am

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