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harrystyles: mate

harrystyles: can you stop with the unnecessary comments on my fiancée's account?

calvinharris: why?

calvinharris: and I believe it's not unnecessary mate

calvinharris: she's beautiful and hot and she needs to know that all the time

harrystyles: she knows that she's beautiful, I tell her that all the time

harrystyles: you're creeping the fuck out of my fiancée so stop that now....mate

calvinharris: awww are you scared of a little competition Styles?

harrystyles: there's no "competition" Wiles

harrystyles: that ring on her finger proves that

calvinharris: how long though? how long would you think it'll last?

calvinharris: you're just engaged, Engagements break, Styles and if yours gets ruined I'll be there to fix her broken heart

harrystyles: as if, Adam, Taylor wouldn't want to be with a scumbag like you so just fuck off off our lives and get lost.

harrystyles: and for the record, We're planning on lasting for as long as we both shall live.

harrystyles: So stay dreaming Adam. Have a nice night bastard.

• – • – • – • – •


taylorswift: Harry

taylorswift: what was that about?

harrystyles: What was 'what' about?

taylorswift: mate check your dms thingy with Calvin

harrystyles: oh, that's nothing

taylorswift: that's not nothing

harrystyles: I just had a small talk with him

taylorswift: about what?

harrystyles: You

taylorswift: what about me?

harrystyles: I'll tell you when I get home

harrystyles: The producers are calling me

harrystyles: I love you beautiful, see you later

taylorswift: okay, I love you too Harold

taylorswift: 😘❤

• – • – • – • – •


harrystyles: Lou

louist91: hey

louist91: anyway, what's up with you and Harris?

louist91: El showed me your comment

harrystyles: That's what I was about to tell you

harrystyles: I think he had some sort of crush on Taylor

harrystyles: creepy kind of way

louist91: does Taylor know about this?
harrystyles: she told me once she's sometimes creeped by his comments on her posts

louist91: tell her to block him

harrystyles: mate, we're talking about Taylor Swift, that girl's heart is made out of pure gold

louist91: steal her phone and do it then.

harrystyles: That's actually not a bad idea Louis.

louist91: you're really gonna do it?

harrystyles: yes

harrystyles: especially with my conversation with Wiles.

louist91: what?

harrystyles: dms

harrystyles: I'll tell you when I see you at the studio.

louist91: okay mate

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