dark brown eyes

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Lafayette's pov

I try to stay still as Herc used me as a dress stand the dress was beautiful i will admit but why me "almost done just need to fix the waist hem and we are finished" he looked up at me thoes eyes making me melt as i got lost in them dark brown full of life and love the smile on his face matched with it perfectly i heard a snap as i shake my head "uh yeah yeah okay hurry up please" i heard him chuckle going back to what ever he was doing i didnt hate this as much as i show it i bite my nails nervously as i feel his hands on my waist gripping them slightly as they stitch it "you okay?" "Yeah fine why" i look at my nails a sec "your biting your nails" "i do that all the time" "no no you do that when your nervous" he didnt stop a second "im always nervous" around him im always nervous around him "come on French fry i know that isnt true" "to bad it is" i crossed my arms over my chest with a huff "are we done" "the dress is, me and you are not finished talking" "can i take it off now" "no your going to avoid the conversation like always and sneek out the window again" ugh he caught me im right where he wants me how did i not see it i was a military officer i planed around this hell i planed for this and i fell into one myself "yeah yeah" i felt his hands grab my waist again pulling me down infront of him instead of staying on a stand "what are you doing" "looking at you better" i felt my face flush as i looked away he had me spin like a ballerina before a flower was put behind my ear with a strong hand under my chin i couldnt see it all seemed blurry then all i could see where big brown eyes looking into mine i was frozen "h-herc i i" "shhh its okay" "i dont want to ruin are friendship i dont want to ruin what we have" i backed away from him tears forming in my eyes he looked slightly hurt "ruin it" i felt him grab my wrist "lets ruin it if that means your mine screw the friend ship i want you" i couldnt look at him i closed my eyes letting him do what he will as i pushed myself close to him i felt him left my chin "i love you" the deep whisper made me smile "i-i love you to-" i got cut off by soft lips against mine my whole body shook a bit as i kissed back the blush heating my face as i felt the hand slide down to my waist pulling me closer my arms shakily went around his neck before he pulled away "jump" a harsh whisper coming from the man i did as told my legs going around his waist to help hold me up

100% lafayette would look amazing in a dress 💖

hamilton one shots Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora