papers and quills

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Jeffersons pov

"If i have to stay one more late night with this undignified, angry, annoying, sorry excuse for a man again im acctually going to jump out the office window" i mummbled writing it was almost 2 am this is the 3rd time this week i hear him mummble stuff too as he wrote his papers "say it" i snarked at him "what?" "Dont mummble it if you wont say it" he snickered "it was nothing just thinking out loud" i swear one day ill roll my eyes at him and they will get stuck in the back of my head "Yeah yeah how many more papers" "only a few" i kept writing and writing till my quill snaped i layed my head on the table "im done" "only a few more jefferson" "no no I'm done im just done alex you can do it" "what" "you heard me" i heard the little hot head stomp his foot getting up i couldnt help but snicker as i sat up looking at him he was close to my face are noses almost touched "thats bs jefferson" "thomas call me thomas loosen up" "what" he got flustered turning away i pulled him back holding his chin "say it" "t-thomas" he sounded frail almost broken i leaned in a bit before i relized in our lips where together it was almost perfect untill he pulled away "thomas i dont think we should do that" "sit on the table" he shuddered sitting infront of me on the table i got up standing infront of him taking it all in as i undid my tie? Slowly "hands out" he did as told and i tied them with my tie? He put my head in his arms kissing me again as i smirked feeling his face heat up more i held his waist close as it got more heated

A/N: im sorry i dont want to end it but i have too 😢😢😢😢

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