Chapter 1

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"Hello Miss Tania" As Ruby entered the classroom she greeted the new English teacher.

"Hi Madam" She replied smiling. She smiled back.

"Good Morning children" She was now facing the classroom. " How are you all doing?"

"FINE MADAM" All students yelled at the same time.

"Good. You all ready for the coming sports week?" She asked.

"Yes Madam" Students yelled again with the same pitch.

"Great to see you all so excited" She clapped her hands. "Okay now countinue with your lecture Miss Tania, I will take a seat at the back" She was now talking to the teacher.

"Sure" Miss Tania replied looking a bit nervous now.

She sat in the class for about 20 minutes and then quietly left the classroom with a calm expression on her face.

Miss Tania thanked her lucky stars for delivering the lecture good enough to impress the toughest principle any teacher can imagine. She felt quite hopeful to get this job.

After the bell rang for the last class and students ran to meet their mommies and in most cases drivers, Miss Tania got a message to meet the headmistress. Instantly she felt sweat on her palms.

After knocking the door and getting a "yes" as an answer she entered the office.

"Yes Miss Tania, please take a seat" She pointed towards the chairs opposite her huge rolling chair.

"Thanks Madam." Tania smiled.

" I know you must be tired and want to go home" She paused a bit. "I want to give you my feedback about your lecture today"

"Sure Madam. I am in no hurry" Tania said calmly, trying hard to hide her nervousness.

" The content of lecture was above average and it was evident that you prepared it quite well by how you delivered it to the class. But there were some flaws I can not ignore." Ruby paused for a bit and took a deep breath.

Tania tried to appear calm but failed at her attempt. Her palm were sweating now.

"There was zero eye contact between you and your students" Ruby raised her index finger. "You did not ask any question from the students or their opinion about the subject you were teaching" Now she raised her middle finger.

Tania felt her heart beating faster as Ruby was pointing out her mistakes.

"You failed to enjoy your job. You were trying too hard to be professional and were not smiling at all." Now her hand was resting on the wooden table between her and Tania.

She looked at Tania for her response.

Tania felt her eyes filled with tears. All she wanted was to teach in Gold Field School.

"I saw potential in you Tania and how much you wanted this job. But today after a week you have clearly not learned anything from the other teachers. I am sorry but you must look for another job now." Ruby said after getting now response from Tania except her teary eyes.

"I understand Madam. I will apply again after I gain some experience. I am thankful for the chance you gave me." Tania said with a smile on her lips.

"Sure. I wish you all the best" Ruby replied smile and her hand stretched out towards Tania. They shook hands and Tania left the office with a hopeful smile.

On the other side of the door Ruby felt a pang of sadness for the jolly and ambitious girl.
Almost every other week girls like Tania applied for the job with the hope to get job in the most popular and prestigious school in the City. But only 1 of 50 was able to get the job and call herself A Goldian.

** Thank you for reading this far. Please don't forget to give your feedback about the chapter.**

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