Chapter 6

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After driving for almost 35 minutes, which felt like eternity, she was finally back at school. She parked her car and walked swiftly towards her office. 

Her receptionist stood up when he saw her coming. 

"Madam, someone is here to meet you regarding admissions" He shifted from one foot to another. 

"Okay. Send them in after 15 minutes." She tried to hide her grin. 

Her heart started racing and she felt her cheeks getting hot like a silly teenage girl who is about go on her first even ice cream date. She ran her fingers in her hair and entered her office. 

After exactly 15 minutes she heard a knock on her door. 

"Ahh the ever punctual Arif" She thought of her receptionist and smiled. 

She ran her hands on her burgundy blazer and pants to remove the invisible wrinkles. She quickly took a file from the drawer and pretended as if she was completely engrossed in it.

"Yes" She said in a loud voice so the person, which was obviously Mikael, can hear her. 

When she heard a very faint creek of the door, after some seconds she looked away from her file and towards Mikael. But what she saw was different than what she thought.

2 ladies with a small kid entered Ruby's office. She plastered a smile on her face and invited them to sit on the chairs in front of her. The kid sat on the lap of older lady.

"Hello" Ruby said closing the file in front of her.

"Hi, I am Mrs. Said and she is my daughter Aneesa and this little boy here is my grandson Hadi. My son Mikael met you at the wedding of Mrs. Naik's daughter, I hope you remember him" She had a smile on her make up covered face. 

Mikael's mother appeared to be a fashionable women. She was wearing a pearl studded rose pink silk shirt which touched her knees and tight rose pink trouser. Her feet were glowing in black low heel pink stilettos. Her reddish brown hair were dangling freely on her shoulders. She was a beautiful lady and her polished appearance made he look even prettier.

"Yes I remember" Ruby smile brightly to hide the disappointment in her eyes. "So how can I help you?" 

"Hadi is a very bright and confident kid. He knows a lot of stuff already like he can count from one to ten and he knows the names of some basic colors as well, and some other things too. So I wanted him to study here but I want to make clear that he will not study in pre-school." Aneesa told Ruby in her high pitched voice and talked so fast it was hard to understand what she was saying. 

"Why not?" Ruby said, now looking at the boy who appeared to be completely oblivious to what was happening. His eyes were focused on one of the little succulents sitting on a wall shelf shaped like a hexagon. 

"Its a waste of child's time and parents's money" Aneesa said sharply.

Mrs. Said shifted on her seat, clearly uncomfortable by the way her daughter was talking. 

"Hmmm..." Ruby raised one eyes brow and cocked her head to one side. "How many siblings do you have Hadi?" She was now looking at the boy and had a smile on her face. 

He looked at his grandmother questioningly, she smiled and nodded her head. 

"I have a sister, Rida" He said in a low voice. 

"Wow. That's great. How old are you?" 

"I am 4 and a half." He was now playing with his hands. 

"Great. Can you tell me what comes after five?" 

He started looking at her mom. She encouraged him to speak by nodding her head and patting his shoulder. 

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