Chapter 5

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Colors & Copies

A not very huge shop on the corner of the street was hard to ignore. Vintage red bricks covered the shop from the outside with two large display windows showcasing the interior of the shop. A wooden door was between the two windows letting the customers in. Above the door, a white wooden sign board was glowing with the name of the shop. 

"How on earth I never noticed this shop before? It impossible to miss." Ruby was pleasantly surprised. She was always a sucker for beautiful shops. She pushed the door and stepped inside it.

The walls were painted with the most refreshing shade of mint green, at least the walls she was able to see.  Huge rust colored display racks were filled with different stationery items. The one right in front of her was the display rack of pens. Hundreds of pens were displayed on the delicate wooden rack, divided by types in small fabric baskets of rose gold, white and burgundy colors. She smiled at the display corner, it was aesthetically pleasing and you could see the effort of the owner to make it look unique. 

On the extreme right corner rust colored wooden desk was sitting, only a monitor could be seen from where Ruby was standing, another display elephant of some stickers was hindering her view. Although she could hear the tip tap of keyboard. 

Instead of going towards the reception desk and talk to whoever was sitting there about why she was here, she decided to explore the store a bit. It was hard not to. 

She looked around once again to decide what she wanted to see first, a setting of a small round table surrounded with five chairs caught her attention, she walked towards it. 

The round rust was loaded with cute little stickers and sharpie pens, some kind of papers were stacked in the center of the table. She spotted another table same like this one placed against the huge window. She could not understand the purpose of this setting but she liked it. 

The shop was filled with gorgeous and unique planners, journals, gift sheets, pens and what not. A  huge table, the size of a 20 people dinning table, was neatly stacked with journals and notebooks of all sizes and colors. Under the table were big baskets some filled with gift papers and some with chart papers. 

"Its beautiful." Ruby could not contain her excitement and clapped her hands.

Ruby heard a chuckle behind her back. She turned around in her heels and there saw a man standing trying to hide his grin but his eyes were giving away his secret. Ruby kept staring in his almond shaped eyes, around his pupil his iris had a thin ring of orange which blended perfectly with his dark green eyes, his eyes were like a thick forest trying to hide the rising sun.

"Hello. Are you looking for something I can help you" He had soft smile dancing on his pale pink lips.

"Umm.. yes. I want to talk to someone" His voice brought her back to reality where sun was already shining. "I want to meet Mr... Um I forgot his name, he is the owner of the shop" She shook her head and looked around.

"Eenar. I am Eenar, the shop owner. And you?" His eyes were grinning again and now his lips were also.

"Oh. I am sorry. I forgot your name. You have a amazing store here, I cant believe how I never noticed it."

" Thank you so much. This is a new shop, only 19 days old." He looked around with his head held high and a proud smile on his face.

"That explains it"  She chuckled. " Congrats. I am Ruby Kaif from Goldfield school"

"Wow. Your burgundy business suit told me you were someone important. Happy to see you here."

"Happy to be here. Can we discuss something if you have time? I apologize I did not take appointment before coming."

"Oh I regret to inform you that I am completely booked for the next 10 years or so."

Ruby's eyes popped out and she looked at him with disbelief in her eyes. The expression on her face made him laugh out loud.

" I don't give appointments miss Ruby. I am a free person, I don't follow to-do lists."

"Good for you." She smiled

"So, come here we can sit here." He pointed towards small wooden chairs which Ruby saw earlier.

She wanted to ask about this setting but she decided to talk about work so that she can reach school before Mikael gets there.

"Sure." They both walked towards the tiny table and chairs.

" I assume you know about Goldfield, I am here to get a new stationery contract for my school, I don't remember who recommended your shop but I like the name of it and now here I am." She explained him.

He scratched his honey colored beard. "Okay. I am happy to hear that. What kind of contract are you looking for?"

"School supplies but of course not the ordinary one. I want top notch stuff for my students. We have a small stationery shop at the campus for the students"

"Hmm... right. So will that shop be mine or only supplies and your staff will run the shop? He asked.

"At the moment the shop is managed by my staff and the supplier gets his cut, but we can talk about this if you want something different"

"I think its a good offer and I am pleased you choose my shop for this. When can we talk about it in detail when you have enough time to answer my trillion questions?"

"Tomorrow. Tomorrow is good with me. " She looked at her cell phone to check time.

"Okay. I will see you tomorrow. Around 10."

" Sure. I will email you the supplies we want or currently have at our shop and the current rates. Check them out and we can discuss everything tomorrow." She stood up from the chair and straightens her pants.

"That would be great" He followed her.

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

"Yeah sure"  He had a sweet smile on his lips.

Before leaving the store Ruby turned around and looked at him again, he was now busy rearranging some washi tapes hanging on thin steel rods on a mint green wall.

She smile to herself and pushed the door to leave this shop which smelled of autumn and felt like spring.

Thank you much for all the support, I love you all. I tried to write this episode a bit longer than the others before, do let me know what you think about it. And also tell me Do you like Colors and copies or am I the only one in love with it?

Please dont forget to vote and comment. Thanks again for reading this. 💟💟

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