Baby We've Changed

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A while later, at the club, they have been nursing their drinks for a few minutes. "Come on Carter, dance with me?" says Kassidy making her way around Brian and Leighanne to exit the booth. "Fine." Says Nick downing the last of his drink. They reach the dancefloor, starting to dance together

Kassidy and Nick love to dance together. Nick took her to her senior prom. Kassidy had been dating a jerk and she didn't want to go to the prom with him. She called Nick crying hysterically. He immediately caught the next flight out to her. Nick turned her frown upside down. He showed up at her doorstep in a black pin-stripped tux and a rose corsage. After the prom, Nick took her on a limo ride through the city. At the end of the night, he politely kissed her cheek after walking her to her door. Then he hightailed it out there because he had an appearance to make. Nick had always thought he should have ended things differently that night, where would they be. He thought if given the chance, he was going to take it.

Meanwhile, back at the booth

"Man, he says they don't have a thing for each other, but look at them. You would think they were a couple." observes AJ "That's what they say." Says an amused Kevin. "They dance together, so what?" says Kristin. "Check the body language man, look" says AJ

Back on the dancefloor, the previous song goes off and "I'll Make Love to You" by Boyz II Men begins. Kassidy pulls away, but Nick pulls her back to him. Kassidy didn't know what the problem with dancing with Nick was tonight. They dance together all the time. Standing in his arms now seemed right. But she didn't have feelings for Nick, right? She couldn't, could she?

"Come on Kass. One more dance." He says "Okay." She wraps her arms around his neck. By this time Kevin, Kristin, Leighanne and Brian has also joined the dancefloor. Nick begins to sing softly in her ear

Close your eyes, make a wish

And blow out the candlelight

For tonight is just your night

We're going to celebrate

All through the night

Pour the wine, light the fire

Girl your wish is my command

I submit to your demands

I'll do anything

Girl you need only ask

I'll make love to you

Like you want me to

And I'll hold you tight

Baby all through the night

I'll make love to you

When you want me to

And I will not let go

Until you want me to

Girl relax, let's go slow

I ain't got nowhere to go

I'm just going to concentrate on you

Girl are you ready

It's going to be a long night

Kassidy breaks away suddenly. I'm going to go to the bathroom." She mumbles walking away. Leighanne, who saw her walks away, followers her. "Are you okay Kassidy?" she asks once they reach the bathroom. After splashing water on her face, she turns to Leighanne. "I'm fine." Leighanne didn't think she was fine. She knew exactly what was wrong with Kassidy. It seems that both Nick and Kassidy are oblivious to the apparent attraction they have to one another. She chose to leave it alone. She thought Kassidy would talk about it when she was ready. It was a matter of time before the two of them say it for themselves.

Meanwhile, back at the booth

"What was that about?" grins AJ to a flushed Nick. "Nothing. "Nick mumbles. "Didn't look like nothing." Pry's AJ. "Would you just shut the hell up AJ!" At that moment Nick knew that his relationship with Kassidy had changed. AJ laughs. Brian walks over "Guys, I'm going to go back with Leighanne and Kassidy. Kassidy say she's not feeling well." He explains motioning to his bodyguard. "Damn Nick, what did you do?" laughs Howie. "Nothing I swear. "says Nick

Brian laughs and walks away to meet the girls by the entrance. Brian wasn't sure, but he thought that Kassidy may have a thing for Nick. He didn't know if Kassidy was in to Nick for sure, and Nick said that he wouldn't go there with Kassidy. Brian had always thought Nick had a thing for her, but he just thought that they wanted to stay friends. That maybe they didn't want to complicate their friendship. Something was going on with them.

"Shall we ladies." He greets putting his arms around the both and walks out of the club.

Arriving at Kassidy's door, they begin to say goodnight. "I'm leaving in the next city, but if you want to talk. I'll be here alright?" says Leighanne. "Alright. I'm just going to pack and go to bed. Ten am wake up call, right?" asks Kassidy. "Yea well, goodnight." Says Leighanne as she shuts the door.

Brian and Leighanne walk to their room going inside. "Omg Bri, I think Kassidy is into Nick." Says Leighanne taking off her shoes. "I noticed something happening. I wonder how long that's been happening." He says, "Who knows baby, who knows."

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