Pool Drama

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After the next show in Boston, Kevin, Kristin and Howie decided to go to a club. Not feeling it, Mandy, Kassidy, AJ, Brian and Nick have decided to go swimming at the hotel pool. After putting on a cute little two piece, Kassidy makes her way to the pool. She meets AJ going through the lobby. "What's up girl?" he greets. "Hey Jay, what's up?" she greets turning to him. "I wanted to talk to you before we go in with everybody." "What's wrong?" a look of concern crosses her face. "Nothing's wrong. I just... I know about what happened last night and I don't want anybody to get hurt." He says. "Everything's ok, alright." She says placing her hand on his arm. "Alright. Now let's go have some fun. He grins. Kassidy didn't want anybody to get hurt either. She could already see changes in Brian. Its like when she's around him she feels a magnetic pull to him. It was something that she needed to fight but she didn't know if she had the strength.

They enter the pool together. After placing her towel on one of the chairs, she does a perfect dive into the pool, swimming under water toward the shallow end of the pool. When she comes up for air, Nick is standing in front of her, which scares the daylight out of her. "Nick!!" she screams slapping his arm.

Meanwhile, across the pool, AJ sits beside Brian who is sitting on the edge of the pool. Mandy is laying back in one of the patio chairs opposite of AJ and Brian.

AJ leans over to him. "Staring at her isn't going to help dawg." "I'm not staring." He says. "So how did you do it? I didn't think she would go for you." Says AJ as they watch her and Nick horseplay in the pool. You could see the happiness on her face. The way her eyes light up when he talks to her. It was apparent who had Kassidy's attention. "What do you mean?" asks Brian. "I mean, Rok, how did you get her to give it up to you?" he asks, "Jesus Bone, why you got to go there?"

"I'm just saying man, she's all into Nick. Look at her man, what happened?" asks AJ. Deciding to change the subject, Brian says, 'if I tell you something, you have to promise not to tell Nick." Begins Brian, "Sure man." "I mean it AJ." Sounds juicy man. What is it?" Brian gives him a serious look. "Okay man, I promise." He says. Brian goes into detail about Matt and what he had done to Kassidy. AJ insisted on them telling Nick, but Brian wanted Kassidy to be the one to tell him. Brian knew that had to be Matt that called Kassidy a while ago. He saw how distraught she had become afterward.

After all that horseplay, Nick and Kassidy are now lounging in the chairs beside Mandy. Kassidy was going on and on about what she had been up to. "Babe, I'm ready to head up now." Says Mandy standing. "We just got here." Nick protests

"I know but I want to talk to you about something." She says Giving in to her, Nick gets up, grabbing all their things. Kassidy is lounging in the chair. Her thoughts came to Brian and what happened the night before. She knew what she had done was wrong. Not to mention the fact that she is friends with Leighanne. And it doesn't help matters that she continues to catch Brian staring at her. Her life just got a whole lot more complicated. She still knows that she has feelings for Nick, but she somehow couldn't deny the pull that she has toward Brian. She could see why Leighanne is with him. He's a sweet guy. Caring, considerate, passionate, no doubt those are some of the reasons Leighanne loves him. She sighs. Leighanne....

"Hey Kass." Calls AJ standing above her. "what?" "So, when are you just going to ask Nick out?" he asks pulling her leg. "Shut up Jay." She laughs continuing," besides, he's all under Mandy's ass." "Didn't stop you from sleeping wit Rok." He says. A look of shock crosses her face, followed by a look of sadness. She felt awful for what she had done. And AJ bringing it up only made it worse. "Well, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't mean to. I don't know Jay. I just feel this undeniable pull to him. I know I shouldn't but..." she trails off "What are you going to do about Nick?" "What can I do? I don't want our friendship to suffer. Once that line is crossed, there's no turning back." She says. Do you think he feels the same way? He asks, "I don't know." She sighs. "I saw what happened at the club. What's going on?" "I don't know Jay. I guess the feelings have always been there, but it intensified lately. My best friend has grown into a man." She says

"You can't have feeling for them both. They're friends Kass. Best friends." He says. Kassidy glances over at Brian who is swimming laps in the pool. "I know Jay, I know" she whispers. "Well I'm out. Going to call a girlfriend." He says, "Alright Jay." She says. He starts to walk away. "hey Jay?" "Yeah?" he turns to her "thank you" she lays back in the chair

A few minutes later, AJ gets off the elevator on their floor. He bumps into Nick. "Aye bro, where's KJ?" he asks. "Still downstairs." "Okay." He steps on the elevator.

Meanwhile down at the pool, Kassidy has gotten back in the pool. Her and Brian are talking, circling each other in the water. "So, are you coming to soundcheck?" he asks "Yeah, I want to see how bad you guys suck." She laughs "Oh I can show you just how bad I suck." He says in a suggestive manner cornering her against the wall. "B?" "What?" he says kissing down her neck. "Um...." Kassidy was at a loss for words. Every fiber of her being was screaming that what they were doing is wrong. But her body didn't want to listen.

Meanwhile, neither one of them noticed the door open and close, as piercing blue eyes glared at them. Nick decides not to say anything and leaves. I mean he shouldn't be mad at the situation. Kassidy is only his best friend. So is Brian.

He didn't know what to do. He didn't know who he was madder at. He decides to head back upstairs.

Brian and Kassidy never realized Nick had been there. Brian still has Kassidy trapped in the corner. He lifts her legs around his waist. They are still kissing "B?" she says "Kassidy." He mimics kissing down her neck again. Kassidy knew what was about to happen if she didn't stop this. "B. "Kassidy." He mimics kissing down her neck. "B... This is wrong." She says trying to ignore the feelings going through her body. "Why does it feel good?" he asks hypothetically. "B?" she moans against his lips.

his hand travels down her body gripping her hips in his hands

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his hand travels down her body gripping her hips in his hands. Kassidy fights every negative thought in her mind and gives in to her body. She allows Brian to move her bottoms aside and slip his finger into her dripping core. Kassidy moans again, running her fingers through his hair. "Stop teasing me and fuck me." She says giving him control of her body. Not having to be asked twice, Brian enters her slowly feeling her wet warmth around him. "Dang girl. Its like that?!" Yea, its LIKE that." She breathes in his ear. 


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