Part Three

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Word about me being Lucy's nephew spreads like a wild fire. Everyone smiles and waves as I drive by as if I'm some celebrity. Idiots. I pull into the supermarket parking lot and grab a buggy. The cart takes my leadership and rolls inside the market straight to the meat section. Red meat is my friend. Looking at the different pieces of dead animals when someone bumps into my cart. I growl at being startled. The woman jumps in surprise.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't...I was spacing out." She blushes.

I relax from my crouching position and look at her. She's very young looking with her coffee colored skin. Her eyes are full and chocolate brown. Her hair is in a ponytail to the side.

"It's fine. No harm done."

If she could read my eyes, she would see how deadly I am, but with my dazzling smile, it's like leading my prey into my oven for dinner.

"I'm Bianca." She mutters.

"Matthew, but you can call me Matt."

She blushes again. "Oh, so you're Lucy's nephew."

"How did you know?"

Stupid small towns.

"Word just got around I guess. You don't look alike."

I clench up, ready to strike. Lucy had bronzed skin with red hair and I have olive skin with black hair. Our eyes are different too, Lucy had blue eyes and I have bright green ones.  I can't have people questioning my credibility, but the scene is too public for me to do anything about it right now. 

"I look more like my mom than I do my dad."

In all actuality, this is true. My mother was Greek which gave me my striking good looks and my father, well who knows.

"That's cool."

"Yeah." I turn back to the cold cuts.

"Um...if I'm not old are you?" She leans into view.

My jaw protrudes as I try to contain my irritation. She asks too many questions.


"Oh." She frowns. "I'm 23."

She acts if I cared or asked. I roll my eyes inwardly.

"Would you care to join me for dinner? My Aunt Lucy said she'd be out of town for awhile and I'd like to make new friends while I stay down here."

"Well, um...that would be cool."

"Around 8 is good?"

"Yeah, sure. See you then." She walks away hurriedly down the cereal aisle like she's afraid I'd change my mind.

I scoff. Too easy, but then again Andria is the only challenge I need. I continue my stocking up and pay for my groceries. A few more delicious girls walk by me with flirtatious eyes. I imagine how sweet their cries of terror would sound or what it would feel like to see their lives slowly slips out of their eyes. It gives me chills. I give them encouraging smiles. No one advances me though and even if they did, I only want to take one detour for now. I have to make sure it's safe for my stay here in this little town. Maybe when I need a little pick me up. As I leave, I wink at them in encouragement. Wouldn't want to crush young girls' hearts too soon.

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