Part Four

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I get home and dump all the food from the fridge. It's a relief to dust my hands of the trash that woman lived off of. I move upstairs to further move her things out. Three trash bags later, her crap is gone. I drag it into the other room and tuck it into the closet. I'm torn between showering or starting dinner, but time reminds me that I don't have much of a choice except for the latter. It doesn't take long before the house smells amazing. Bianca arrives in a simple dress early than expected. She offers a pie to me.


"Glad you made it." I lead her in.

"Thank you for having me." She looks around.

I go back into the kitchen and set everything up. She comes in behind me.

"Go ahead and have a seat." I pull out two beers and sit them on opposite sides of the table.

Beside the bottles, I sit two plates fixed with steak and various vegetables I didn't throw away. She smiles and begins to dig in.

"This is really delicious. Where did you learn to cook like this?"

"My mother taught me. She said it would help me to live better on my own if she passed."

I hate small talk.

She smiles. "Your mother sounds like a phenomenal woman."

"She was." I reply.

I lost my mother many years ago and mourn her around the same time, but I hate speaking of her.

"Oh. I...I'm sorry for your loss." She stares at her plate.

"Don't be. It was a long time ago. Anyway, I'm glad you came for dinner." My smile waivers.

The tension I feel is hindering my charm. I so badly want to jump across this table and stab her with my knife until I feel the satisfying break of her rib cage. My body tingles. How do I need another fix so fast? She pats the corners of her mouth, oblivious to my sinister thoughts.

"That was a lovely meal, Matt."

"Thank you. And thanks again for coming."

With the sudden urge to attack her, I feel the sudden need to save her from my monstrosity. I can't understand why. All I know is, if she doesn't leave now, I won't be able to contain myself any longer. She looks at me, finally catching the tight tone in my voice.

"Well, I think I'll go..." She stands up.

I stand also and lead her to the door.

"Um...thanks again. Hope we can do this again sometime. At my place?" She stands in the entrance.

"Sure. Good bye, Bianca." I nearly slam the door in her face.

My pulse rises as I feel like the house is trying to suffocate me. My eyes dart around my surroundings like a caged animal. I need a release now. I grab the truck keys and storm out of the house. I drive into the opposite direction of town. I can't let bodies pile up just yet. Down the road some ways, a small motel, Route Inn, peeks up like the sun in the morning. A small gather of girls crowding the side of the building draws me in. I park off to the side of the parking lot and slowly advance them. Their giggles pick up when they notice me heading in their direction. My hands shake in anticipation.

"Good evening, ladies." I smile.

"Hey." The red head speaks up boldly.

"I couldn't help to notice such beautiful ladies with my passing by." My eyes travel up and down the length of them. I imagine every last form of torture I can perform on them. "I thought I should introduce myself."

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