Part Six

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Dedicated to the person who begged for more (: DelaneyReden

The impact of his bone connecting with my fist shakes me with pleasure.

"Oh my God, Ben!" Maya screams.

Ben stumbles backwards trying to stop his blood from escaping. He mumbles something, but I brush it off.

"MORE!" My blood lust cries.

I stand away from the crowd shaking uncontrollably. I must control myself if I wish to stay in this ridiculous school.

"What is going on here?" A teacher fights their way through the crowd.

I fold my arms and casually lean against the lockers. Maya hugs her boyfriend's arm while crying annoyingly.

"Ben, are you okay?" The teacher moves towards the wounded idiot.

He removes his hands to show the bruised, bulbous remains of a once perfectly shaped nose. It looks terrible. but yet I can't stop the triumphant grin on my face. It's truly a work of art. Ben's eyes flash onto me, sending a silent threat.

"This isn't over." It seems to read.

I shrug and continue to marvel at my handy work.

"Who did this? What happened?" The frantic teacher holds the boy protectively as his head whips around wildly for answers.

The crowd stays quiet whether it's being they didn't see anything or are smart enough not to answer. Maya's eyes connect with mine as her lips begin to move. I let loose an aggressive bellow which causes her to receive the warning. She hides behind Ben. Good girl. Ben shoots me an even dirtier as he realizes the situation. I give him a bored look in return. I'd be happy to break another bone if he provokes me farther. The surprisingly perceptive teacher catches on to the silent argument and threats being passed amongst each us as his eyes land onto me.

"Who are you?" He sounds a little too hostile for me.

I hope he really doesn't want to go barking up this tree. I'm not in the mood.

"My name is Matthew Varner. I'm Lucy's nephew. Just started today...sir." I smile.

The bushy brows on his forehead crease their way to the middle of his forehead like crawling caterpillars.

"Did you see what happened?"

I can see the suspicion written all over his face.

I shrug. "Maybe I did."

He waits for me to continue. I let him continue to wait. He gives me an annoyed look.

"Come with me, now. Ben, go to the nurse's office. I think your nose is broken and you need to stop the swelling."

At first Ben doesn't move.

"Run along, doggy like your master told you to." I shoo him.

"That's enough. I didn't ask for a choir. Let's go, Varner." The teacher pushes through the crowd or what little of it remains.

I walk behind him and roughly brush past Ben.

"This isn't over." He glowers nastily.

I chuckle. "Sure."

I continue to follow the leader into what I presume is his classroom.

"Have a seat."

I sit in the front desk as he leans on the teacher's desk. We stay engulfed by silence for while before he clears his throat obnoxiously.

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