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Yoongi just smile after get seated.

"How do you feeling these day?" I asked, with a pen in my grip.

"I feel great. I change my lifestyle according to your advice," Yoongi nodded his head.

"It works on you? You did great," I plastered a smile before jolting down some notes.

He nods his head.

"I don't feel lonely anymore. I guess love fix everything," He shrugged.

"I don't feel scared to breathe. I'm not scared to tell people how I feel," He added.

"That's a great improvement for yourself," I said.

"I express it through my lyrics and my music," He smiled.

"You did great, Yoongi. I'm so proud to be your doctor," I smiled, feeling grateful because my advice work on him.


I walk out from the hospital while tucking my hands in the maxi coat.

"Hey, do you miss me?" Someone approached me.

It's the voice, the voice that I want to hear it everyday. For my entire life.

I immediately turn my back. He was smiling, causing my heart to pound. He makes his way to me.

"I miss you too Doctor. Jung," He chuckled.

He was in his blue maxi coat with toffee coloured hair.

Can I hug him?

"I never knew you would visit me at this hospital," I spoke after being silent for too long.

He takes a further step forward to me. He pulls me into his embrace, I miss this. I miss the warmth of his. His scent, his face and everything.

"You should always know that I'm always take a step closer to you. Even like this," He chuckled again.

Jimin never knew that I like him. No, I love him. But he never did I guess.

He hired me as his personal psychiatrist. But he keep doing this, making my heart flutters everytime he smiled or even talked.

I'm only his doctor. Nothing personal. I know where I stand and I know my place as his doctor.

"I just came back from Japan. My schedule is crazy, you should know how stressful I am," He pouted.

"But now, my stress has fade away after meeting you," He grinned.

How could I be able to move on when he keeps doing this. A sweetheart like him could own everyone heart.

Update ~ Sorry for wrong grammars HAHAHAHA

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