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Hoseok's words keep bothering myself.

I love Jimin but wouldn't do that.

"Mira, what are you thinking?" Jimin asked while staring straight into my face.

It is our session now. In his office. From the beginning I arrived here, I could only heard he keep on bragging about his girl.

It hurts me a lot until I can't even focused on my work. I looked away, don't want my tears to fall anytime soon.

He grabs my wrist, "Why did you look away?"

I need to get grip of myself. I can't let him bother my mind.

"I don't feel like doing our session right now. I want to go back to my hospital," I shook my head vigorously.

"Okay, why don't we drop our session and have some icecreams?" He raised his brows.

"Not as my doctor but as my friend?" He added which making me yanked my wrist away.

I don't like it when he did this, playing with my heart.

I don't even like it when my mind keep saying I should give him a chance.

"Say something. You're scaring me," He chuckled while shaking my shoulders.

My smile appear when I saw his angelic laugh. Before I could say anything, he pulls me into a hug which making my heart to pop out.

"I can't breath," I lied while tapping his back.

I could feel that my cheeks are getting warmer, I know I'm blushing so hard right now.

I fake a cough when he keeps on staring.

"You look so cute and it makes me wanna hug you again," He grinned while cupping my face.

Can he stop?

I've made my decision,

I will go after Hoseok's suggestion.

It's never wrong to try, isn't it?

Somehow, I wanna ask him, does he really thought me as his doctor?

He ruffles my hair.

"You're my friend now!" He exclaimed after saw my brows knitted.

"Yeah, let's get icecreams," I nodded.

He clasps my hands with his.

"Friend did this?" I raised my brows.

"Of course," He grinned.

Only friend? It was doctor before and now friend?

I smile instead.

-sorry for any wrong grammars

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