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"Where the hell could she be?"

Finn waited impatiently for Rey outside of Crait's Hall looking at his watch. It was 2 already and they were supposed to take Global Society class. Sure, Rey could sometimes be the most unpunctual person in the world but at least she would text his phone with an excuse. This time she didn't do that. Rose was taking Latin and would wait for the two of them by the end of the course. They would then head to the library before parting ways.

His relationship with Rose grew stronger as time passed. They were into each other and share the same interests. However, he didn't have time to hang out that much with his old friends; this including Rey. Finn wanted to plan out something to catch up with them. Their friend Poe Dameron owned a bar and restaurant not too far from the university. Perhaps Rey could join them to play some pool, have a drink, and food. 

After a while, Finn decided to walk into the classroom without Rey. When he took his usual seat, the professor began the class. The man had a sheet of paper in his hand and started calling student names from the list. When he mentioned Rey's name the door slammed open, "HERE!" she yelled startling Finn and the others. Some students laughed while the professor looked irritated by her lateness. 

Rey cleared up her throat and walked toward her seat. The professor continued with the list ignoring Rey completely. 

"Sorry," Rey apologized to Finn while sitting on her chair, "I almost didn't make it."

"Uhh, yes, I noticed that," Finn sarcastically said. "Something happened?"

"I was hanging at the art gallery, that's all," she answered. 

Finn raised a brow, "Since when you go there?"

"Just recently." Rey started taking her book and notepad out. "You guys should go there too. The paintings are amazing and.."

"Ms. Rey and Mr. Finn, could you please pay attention to the class? Leave the chit-chat for later." The professor told both of them with the rest of the students turning to look at them. 

Finn and Rey straightened in their seats to pay attention. When the professor turned to write some things on the board Finn took the opportunity to tell Rey something. "Wanna hang out tomorrow night with us?"

"Where?" Rey asked in a lower tone.

Finn looked at the front making sure the middle-aged man was still writing on the board, "I will text you later with details, alright?"

Rey nodded, "Sure, okay..." 

At the end of the class, Rey picked up her things and said farewell to both Finn and Rose outside of Crait's hall. They believed her excuse of not spending the afternoon with them in the library and left. She told them Luke needed some help around the apartment that evening. 

In reality, Rey had an appointment with Ben. She hurried up to meet the artist at the studio and continue with the painting. 

This session was more animated compared to the last two ones. Rey would ask Ben more questions than usual and he would find some of them humorous. It seemed Rey was feeling more relaxed than before. Her body was at ease and confident in front of a man.

 Still, Ben would concentrate on the canvas and every detail with the stroke of the brush. The legs were completed and he was now working on her back and arms. Then, he will finish painting the model's hair by mixing three different brown oil colors. Rey's soft curls reminded Ben of silken, rich, decadent dark chocolate. 

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