It's a date!

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Unlocking the phone screen to check the time, Rey saw it was 11:00 pm. Sighting, she then dropped the phone by her side. Tossing and turning in bed, Rey couldn't sleep that night, at all. It was going to be Saturday the next day so she would still have time to rest unless Luke needed her to do chores around the apartment. Leaving Ben's place earlier that day after seeing his girlfriend arriving was a total letdown. 

Connix had all the right to be with Ben but there was something negative about the woman. She never spends time with Ben from what she heard and he seems miserable. It felt like a slap in the face the moment she hung over his neck and kissed him. That smug face... A weird feeling invaded Rey but couldn't decipher what was it. 

She couldn't take such public affection and left the place not caring for anything. However, she was now worried such action would affect their artist-model relationship. 

He must be thinking I'm a rude bitch or worst; that I won't come back for the last session. 

If only Connix weren't there... Rey wanted to text him and apologize for leaving like that. All girlfriends check on their boyfriend's phones and vice versa. It wasn't right to send him messages if both were sleeping together either. They were supposed to meet over the next week again but Ben couldn't tell her what exact day. 

Rey then thought about his hard chest and broad shoulders. He obviously worked out perhaps on his free time. His voice was deep and booming too. Such voice was attractive to her ears, especially when being focused on the painting. It made Rey's cheeks flush every time, mainly when lying naked on a table. Ben was a hunk by all means but also a great person who she enjoyed being with. Rey bit her lower lip and tried to think about something else. 

The phone vibrated and Rey turned to check it out. It was a text message... from Ben. Her heart began beating fast. Rey quickly got into a sitting position and opened the message to read it.

 Rey quickly got into a sitting position and opened the message to read it

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Ben was hesitant to send Rey a text message too late that night. He couldn't sleep thinking about her sudden departure earlier that afternoon. Connix interference may have severed their connection and bonding. Rey made him feel different than any other girl. Not even Connix could make Ben feel like a free bird. 

The short blonde deserved another man who could give her the things she wants. Connix behavior changed a couple of months ago and their sex life wasn't the same anymore. He was a man after all and has his needs but Connix always had other things in mind. They were running different paths and the way she talked about Rey was unnecessary too. Ben was determined to let old things die and focus on the future. 

He kept thinking about whether to send a message to his nude model or not. She could be sleeping or with a boyfriend. If that was the case, Ben was just looking for a friendship, nothing else. Rey has never mentioned on having a partner or having struggles with one either. He was the one always telling her about his love life and other personal stuff. 

She must think I'm crazy or a fucking idiot. 

Taking a deep breath, Ben tap on the phone and searched for Rey's number. Boyfriend or not he needed to talk to Rey. They never planned on what day of next week was going to be the last session. 

Last time I will see that gorgeous smile and hazel eyes... 

With that in mind, he started typing on the phone keyboard and with a strong determination, Ben Solo finally send the message to the girl. 

Ben: [Sorry to text u this late at night

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Ben: [Sorry to text u this late at night. Just wanted to know if u made it safe home...]

Rey: [Yeah, I'm fine.]

[Well, I don't mind u texting me. Can't sleep at all.]

Ben: [Really? Me neither!]

Rey: [Isn't Connix there..?]

Ben: [Not anymore.]

Rey narrowed her eyebrows at this response. She wanted to know if something was wrong but was unsure how to know this. 

Rey:[Care to tell me something?]

Ben: [Rey, I had enough of her toxic behavior. I told you things weren't working between us.]

Rey: [So does that means you guys broke up?]

Ben: [Yep. Right after you left the studio.]

Rey:[I am so sorry...]

Ben smiled. There was no reason for Rey to apologize. He was the idiot who let Connix stand in their way.

Ben: [It's okay. Better things will come.]

[She won't ruin our bond anymore.]

Rey: [ :) I like you saying that]

Ben: [Well, it's true. You've become special to me.]

Rey blushed after reading the message, placing a hand on her lips as she smiled. Of course, breakups were terrible, but Ben took the best choice. 

Rey:[ Haha, glad to know.]

Ben: [:) Hey, it's getting late now and I should let you catch some sleep. How about coming to the fair tomorrow? We could meet there and have some fun...]

Was he asking her for a date? Was she really dreaming?

Rey: [That sounds... interesting. What time?]

Ben: [4:30  is that okay?]

Rey: [Fine, 4:30 it is then!]

Rey: It's a dat

She almost typed 'date' and quickly erased the message. 

Ben: [Great! Until tomorrow then!]

Rey: [Yes! See u tomorrow :) ]

Ben: [Goodnight, Rey. Sleep tight.]

Rey: [U too, Ben.]

At the end of their messaging, both put their phones aside and stared at the ceiling. A smile escaped their lips knowing a fun day awaited them the next day. They couldn't hardly wait to see each other.

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