~Chapter 22~

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Third person's point of view.

Going after Naruto and Yukie, Mito was bandaged up and ready to go but the other tired to stop her but because of her mark on Naruto, she threatened to leave them all behind if they forced her to stay behind just because she was hurt. Sasuke was the one to crack and just get everyone to let her come because they'd need as many people as possible.  


Teleporting to the ship, they landed in the cell block there were two empty cells and four knocked out ninjas, taking their uniforms they ran around looking for Naruto and Yukie. Mito was the one to find them first, Naruto seeing her in the disguise nearly attacked, "Hold it, Hold it! Nii-chan! It's me!" Mito said and then stripped off her guise and smiled at her brother. 

"Mito!" tossing him his weapons she smirked, "Sorry to keep you waiting, you look all right, Princess." she didn't look pleased, "Yeah, you switched my Hex Crystal without telling me, didn't you?!" Mito groaned, "More whining, seriously?" Mito groaned, before handing Yukie her necklace, "Hey!" Kakashi-sensei called showing up with the others,

"This place is crawling with guards!" Naruto turned and smiled at the others, "Kakashi-sensei! Sasuke! Sakura!" Naruto cheered gleefully at the sight of his other teammates. "This way!" Yukie shouted leading the way,


But when they stopped everyone saw they had been led to the Throne Room, to where Doto stood by the throne and his Snow Ninjas at the base grinning like they won, "Doto!" Kakashi-sensei shouted in anger and confusion, "Well done...Koyuki." Doto said addressing his niece. Darting to the stairs she raced up them, Kakashi was close behind but the snow ninja blocked the way.

"It can't be!" Kakashi-sensei gasped out, "This shouldn't be any surprise to any of you. I mean, really. I am an actress, aren't I?" she said everyone was convinced she had switched sides but Mito, even with one eye could see it, the determination and the knife hidden in her sleeve. She was going to finally fight back. 

"There you have it. Another brilliant performance by the great Yukie Fujikaze." she zoned out for a moment, "Yes...it was all an act." she sounded like she was agreeing with Doto, but she wasn't. Drawing the knife she ran at him and stabbed him, "Whuh?!" he growled/gasped, "I told you, didn't I? I'm an actress!" 

Glaring he snapped his arm out and wrapped his hand around her throat. "You wretched--!!" Naruto stepped forward in worry, "Princess!" "I always knew..ugh...Naruto...Mito...that if I ever returned to this country...I was going to die here. At least...I could..." Yukie gasped out, Mito wouldn't let that happen. 

As Naruto shouted to her to not give up, Mito used her mark on Yukie to appear between the two royals and kicked Doto away from the girl and held her as she coughed from lack of oxygen and the return of it. Opening her eyes she frowned, "Mito?" Mito gave a half smile, "Don't get too chummy, I still think your movies suck." Yukie laughed/coughed weakly,

"Mii-chan watch out!!" Naruto roared but it was too late. Doto had flown back up to the top of the throne and punched Mito across the room, crashing into the wall, she fell to the ground weak but not unconscious, Sasuke rushed to her side as Naruto followed Doto and Yukie, the other ninja's destroyed the throne room to keep the rest of Team 7 from following.

Mito seeing a bunch of rubble coming to land on her and Sasuke she pushed them out of the way and accidentally hit her head on one of the rock, knocking herself out. 


When she came too, she was laying in soft grass with her head in Sasuke's lap. "What did I miss?" Sasuke had a split lip and dried blood at the edge of his nose, reaching up she gently touched his face only for him to wince slightly, "Sorry, babe." Mito apologized, before letting her hand slid up behind his neck so she could pull him closer to her,

Leaning down he pressed his still sore lips to hers but he didn't mind the sting of pain because her lips were soft and warm. "Hmm," she hummed as he pulled away, "Sorry I worried you so much on this mission." leaning down he hugged her and shook his head, "It's always going to be like that, whether it's you or me we got to get used to it." 

Mito nodded, "Yup, but for now, I wanna do this some more." she said and leaned up for some more kisses. Giggling and groaning in pain from giggling the couple didn't notice Yukie or Sakura staring in jealous want, but they noticed each other's stares. Sakura worried the princess was another person after Sasuke but when she really looked she couldn't help but be shocked.


After a few well earned days of rest, Mito was finally able to have her wound seen to and treated properly, but from then on she'd have to cover it up to avoid scaring people with the loss of her eye, she spent two hours hearing crappy jokes from Naruto about how much she was starting to look like Kakashi-sensei, both a good and bad thing. 

Getting annoyed to the point where she had a bout of violence she cracked Naruto over the head and he apologized, after talking with Yukie for a bit and her nearly giving Kakashi-sensei a heart attack with her new script, she gave one last longing look to Mito who was standing by a rail looking out at the sea, before going to a group of kids asking for autographs.

Mito came back to the group hearing Naruto bitch about not getting an autograph himself but Mito and Sasuke surprised him, "Don't worry, we took care of it." Sasuke pulled out the envelope and held it out for Naruto, taking it he opened it with Kakashi-sensei and Sakura looking over his shoulder, 

"GYAHH!! AWWW, MANN...LOOK AT ME! Couldn't you at least have used a better picture or something?!" Naruto whined as he looked at the photo, "Come on, guys. It's time we went home." Mito said and they nodded to follow her back to the docks to return to the Leaf Village.

Mito Uzumaki - Naruto's twin sister. [Sasuke Uchiha Love Story]{Complete}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang