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Vanessa and Emily lifted their heads at the sound of something heaving dropping to the ground, a rancid smell entering their noses shortly after. Neither had felt any mana fluctuations yet the two children they'd been waiting on lay before them in a heap, covered in vomit.

"What in the... what happened to you two?" Emily asked, jumping up from the carriage.

Damien untangled himself from Alexa and had begun slowly crawling toward the lake, dry heaving while wearing a silver(ish) suit. Alexa stayed in place for the most part, kneeling on all fours while staring into the sand and wearing a formal black dress. Neither looked intent on answering and both had definitely not been wearing those clothes a half hour ago when they'd left.

The only one in their group who seemed to be fine was a Fae they had brought back with them, seated on Damien's shoulder in a long satin blue dress. Vanessa noted it was the mute Fae that seemed to always be around Damien of late, perched on the same spot on his shoulder and as expressionless as usual, though her skin and wings had changed color. Whereas before she'd looked identical to any other Fae, now, with her wings covered in a vibrant grey that seemed to have a pattern of some kind on them, she was completely unique.

Vanessa walked forward while holding her breath and stopped above Damien, dousing the boy with water as he collapsed on the ground in relief and the Fae on his head glared upward indignantly.

"Mind explaining?" she asked, crouching down next to Damien.

He said nothing but held up a single finger, indicating the need for time. She nodded, though he couldn't see her, and looked over to see Emily resting a hand on Alexa's back, cooing and comforting the girl. The sight brought a smile to her face.

She stood and made her way to her niece who hadn't moved since they'd both unceremoniously been dumped onto the ground by the back of the carriage. She was still staring into the sand and had begun shaking slightly. Her skin was paler than usual and her white hair cascaded to the ground in a matted mess of sweat and undesirables.

Upon reaching her, Vanessa poured water over her body as well to remove the smell. She didn't quite understand how Emily had been able to stand it.

She looked down at her niece's back and noticed a handprint set between her wings, the same grey color as the Fae's wings. Most likely a paint of some kind, yet it hadn't smeared with the water. She decided to address it later as she kneeled down next to Alexa.

They cleaned out the girl's hair and clothes for a few minutes before turning to do the same for Damien, who'd seemed to be in much better condition, only to be surprised to find him sitting up and looking already taken care of. The culprit revealed itself shortly after as the Fae with him flit about in front of his suit, dusting off the sand that clung to him. Once finished, Vanessa watched as she flew back up and rested on his left shoulder.

"Thanks for the help, Kastra," he said, smiling tiredly at the fairy.

Vanessa received another surprise as the fairy nodded to the boy and actually smiled back. Not only was the Fae helping clean him of vomit, but it seemed happy to do so.

Shaking her head at the boy who made strange things commonplace, Vanessa turned toward Alexa and lifted her body into the air, carried her to the carriage, and set her gently on one of the padded seats. Emily had moved to Damien while she carried Alexa and looked to be about to pick him up when the fairy grew to the same size as they were and lifted him instead, flying into the carriage and setting him with Alexa on the same bench seat rather than his own. She then shrunk once again and laid between them on her back, silent.

Vanessa turned to Emily to see that her mouth was indeed shaped in an O just like hers was. They had no idea the Fae could change their size and had been given a first-hand showing of it while she helped a Human, as if it were commonplace.

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