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"RAVEN!" a voice thundered throughout the temple, "Enter!"

The crowd of hooded monks silently made way for the lone child shrouded in a blue cape. All was deathly quiet, and the child wondered if her worries could be heard through all minds. The air thickened with dread for her as she pushed past doors more than twice her size.

She was only ten, and had just recently witnessed the passing of Azarath's almost-goddess, Azar. Prior to her death, the young girl was taught to control her emotions and to not let others' feelings affect her, no matter how strong they were.

But now, she could sense it all too strongly, all around her, the fears and the apprehension, the feelings of resignation. Why were they feeling as such? Why did she, for a moment, feel some form of strong hostility towards her? These questions are not meant for ten year olds to answer, nor to even ask. All she had was a nightmarish vision, a dream which an evil entity claimed her as his. No, she could not be his daughter. He was far too evil, she sensed, and was taught to reject such. How could she be in any way connected to him?

She wasn't interested in visiting the temple at such an ungodly hour, but her elders and the monks of Azarath insisted and brought her here against her will.

Five minutes before she was called, Coman, the High Magistrate for all Azarath, spoke. "Centuries ago, we fled the violence of Earth and founded Azarath. But the forces we used to purge our evil natures did not die."

"They merged and flowed through the endless dimensions beyond our Great Door, and in another dimension, they were summoned during a mystic ceremony, creating what we call the demon today Trigon."

The candles extinguished by themselves upon his name, and his voice roared throughout the temple. He had summoned Raven.

"Be brave," she consoled herself, "No harm shall come to me as long as Azar is with me." She looked at the rings that adorned her two fingers.

Oh, the naivety.

As she entered through the gloomy-looking doors, the scene that greeted her was unimaginable. Stars, dimensions and strange floating steps colored her vision as she continued to walk forward, not knowing what to expect. She kept walking, wondering what awaited her. And finally, he appeared before her.

"Greetings, Raven. Your father is pleased to see you."

All her life, she was taught to suppress emotions. But the sight of a red-skinned demon more than twenty times her height forced her into feeling and showing true fear. What did he want? Most are they related?

"I want you to come with me, Raven. Together we will rule dimensions, you by my side. It is my greatest wish -"

"Go..go with you, father? I-I cannot..." Her hand raised to cover half her face as she continued sensing the evil emanating from him, whispering,"I sense great evil..."

She had always wondered why she was bred as an empath. She knew now. Azar always had her reason, and it was at this moment Raven truly revered her old mentor.

"I cannot go with you. You wallow in destruction while I was born to peace -"

"Child, you have been lied to all these years," his voice rumbled, "I ordained that Azarath adopt you for I needed you to be safe, until I have need of you - I knew they would nourish your powers in ways I could easily subvert. I want you, my daughter!" With that, the step Raven was on fell apart and she found herself lying on another step right below where she stood.

She was dazed in the face of the devil, the one whose blood runs through her veins. Why did she feel so...weak?

"She's not yours anymore!" A voice rang out, cutting the air with its anger. Arella had entered the Great Door and was attempting to get closer to Raven, but the distance between mother and daughter was great.

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